Thursday, April 30, 2015

Love Has Company

Love is to be a hallmark of the church.  But though she is the most famous and beautiful of the family, she isn’t the only sibling of worth.  And she isn’t really operating well if her brothers and sisters with other valuable traits are too far from her.

Consider these siblings:  Truth cuts through the deception of lies.  Wisdom serves them in a timely way.  Hope holds on confidently in the “not yet.”  Grace offers an open door when a life is turning around and walks alongside diligently while learning is happening.  Discernment is the oil that gets the right gears in motion at the right time.  Faith doesn’t stop believing that God meant what He has promised.   Together with Love, they press on for the freedom that has been purchased at such great cost.  They persevere to see it find its home on earth.  Yes, Love is, in some ways, the star of the show of the Kingdom and is said to be the greatest, but she must be careful not to leave Faith, Hope, and the others on the shelf. 

Love is rarely free of mess, and in its fullest form bleeds for someone.  Red isn’t the color of hearts and roses for no reason. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pilgrim Journey

“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.  They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. …O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”  Psalm 84: 5-7, 12

Sometimes life is messy and painful.  I don’t know of any other way to keep on except to keep listening, to keep being willing to do the best we know as we listen, to be courageous to do hard things even if they are uncomfortable or we don’t know yet the “why” of them, to be willing to keep learning more and to know that likely tomorrow we will see more clearly than we do today.  But keeping on is key.  We are pilgrims.  Don’t expect to be without the uncertainties as you walk.  But keep in step as He leads and He will cause it to work for good.  We have that promise.  

Monday, April 27, 2015

Not Done Yet

I believe that God sent His Son to break through the devastation we had opened ourselves up to and to bridge the way to the Father that we were unable to do for ourselves.

I believe that Jesus left the tomb empty and lives still, continuing His work for freedom from chains and for life that brings forth more life.

I want to press in (as our sisters shared so well on Saturday) and live like freedom is really available, not just some religious theory. 

And so one way that I can care for each of you and stand in His precious promise is to say this:  "There's more for you, honey. Don't give up.  Don't settle believing for less than the redemption and restoration He's already died for.  The glorious and precious blood spilled for YOUR situation means something.  There is power waiting to be taken hold of as we believe He is alive and at work, as we believe with our feet and expect that as we follow Him He will work things for good.  That's faith, dear one.  Ask for wisdom for the particulars of your situation, desire His way, and don't shelve hope.  Please don't shelve hope.  He is not done."

Sunday, April 26, 2015


This was the piece I presented as the kick-off for our conference on Friday evening.

God’s ideas were brilliant and bubbling.  The energy coming from the relationships in heaven had grown until their joy was ready to burst Heaven’s seams.  And now the Father’s desire was growing in anticipation of what could happen if there were more beings who had the capacity to create beauty, to live for truth and good, and who, like the three of them, would exist to love. 

At a moment in timelessness He began to lay the groundwork so that all of this joy could be shared.  He may have considered just splashing it randomly around the soon-to-be-created universe, but obviously decided in the end that it would be far better to shape vessels that could each display some small parts of Him and whose power would be discovered through the way they needed and cared for one another.  (On earth as it is in Heaven.)

He started by taking hold of the void and pulling on it firmly to tug light this way and dark the other, shaping it into a circle so that it would keep rolling and rolling--as day and night--as long as the universe existed.  Five more days followed that remarkable start, finding Him designing container after container, as He re- presented Himself on every inch of His earthly canvas.  And He tucked much so far away and so deep within that it would take all the available years on earth for us to discover the layers that were there.  Picture His delight as He leads and watches, waiting for us to find the treasures. 

His character is all through the created world.  Is there any question that He is mountain majestic, oak tree patient, or ocean wave faithful?  Millions and millions of ideas were lavishly spilled out until the moment that God paused and took a day off just to look around leisurely and enjoy the beauty and potent message of His masterpiece.

But the perfection took a fatal turn almost immediately when the first woman and man grabbed the tablecloth of the garden, and shook all the beauty of His spectacular dinner party crashing to the ground.  In that moment they broke not only the wholeness and purity of the earth and of their own lives, but the heart of the One who created them. 

But…God loved mankind and the world He’d made and wouldn’t give up on us.  He’d just have to be more determined now to persist against the huge obstacle that sin had caused, eventually doing something about its power once and for all.   The cost to redeem us would be immense, but stick to His goal He most certainly would for He knew there was no hope for us without Him.

Every time we got ourselves in a mess, no matter how big or stormy or deep, He reached for us, and we were never so far away that His arms couldn’t find us.  Every time someone else caused a tragedy that we wouldn’t have chosen for the world, He had a way to hold us close even though often we were in too much pain to feel how near He was or too hurt and angry to care. 

Along the way He began to write chapter after chapter about His faithfulness.  Not only had He shaped creation full of vessels, now He used more of them to reveal His ongoing care and provision and power, even on the devastated landscape.

He provided the vessel of an ark for the one little faithful family who chose to obey in spite of ridicule and scorn as they were watching for drops of rain while building the boat on land as dry as dust.

He held a ram in the container of a thicket as a courageous follower walked up a mountain, willing to sacrifice his long-awaited son if God told him to do it. 

He protected three men who had refused the command to worship a 90-foot tall idol when a king decided to toss them into the container of a fiery furnace, proving in the end that God’s hands were stronger than any plan the enemy could concoct.

In the vessel of a wildcat den, He closed the mouths of a bunch of hungry lions when Daniel was supposedly destined to be their lunch and later he walked out to have his own.

He used the vessel of a giant fish belly to allow Jonah the time to reconsider his stubbornness.  And when he finally turned his heart around, the fish also turned and navigated him right to the shores of Ninevah.  God’s ability has never been matched.

Floods and flames and fierce animals and fish are not more powerful than our God.

His very best idea began in the vessel of a virgin’s womb into which He sent the tiny beginnings of His very own Son, because a young woman was willing to have her own life upended and rewritten for Him to arrive.  And the baby boy grew to be as willing a vessel as His momma.  In short order He learned to hear the sound of His Heavenly dad’s voice through earthly ears and it was at the one now-famous wedding where He came as a guest who was sure it wasn’t His time when He suddenly heard the whisper that spoke otherwise and He used six vessels that were already there and waiting as evidence that the Father was all about celebration and joy.  The large containers of water, standing there like guards of the old way became the first evidence that this Beloved Son wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to put His Father’s heart on display.  Jesus paid it full attention, to bring everything possible to earth as He danced out His Father’s will.   

Obedience spills Heaven to earth every single time, whether the act is a dazzling miracle or one that is quiet and mostly unseen and widens heaven just the same.   

After three years of Jesus pouring the Kingdom of heaven onto earth, the stone was rolled across a tomb’s door.  Mankind had killed God’s Son and it looked like the enemy had now put Heaven’s greatest desire in a bottle, cap on tight, sealed, done.

God would let both Satan and us sit, feeling all victorious and smug and powerful, for two more days before rolling back that stone, as smoothly as He had the light and darkness eons before, but this time to roll forth the true Light of the world,  and pin darkness to the mat once and for all.  He’d lifted His Son out of hell’s darkness, and by it, had just saved the world.  Light had truly come.

We do not need to fear.  We have no reason to worry.  We certainly need not hold back, wondering if this God has something good to do in the vessel that is our very own life.  Of course He does.  It’s who He is.

He made you as an expression of Himself, the only part of creation formed into His image, the only kind of being able to choose to love, and to stand strongly in His truth. 

The only thing in all of creation and time that God cannot do is force a “yes” from you.   But woo, and long for, and invite you He certainly will.  He keeps on sending you little messages in sunrises and bird songs and turning seasons and unexpected provision, hoping that you will realize more and more the utterly amazing privilege it is to choose to walk with Him, like we did at the very beginning, in the cool of the evening.

His favorite vessel is our hearts.  Tonight you’ve each come with one.  Where all the rest of creation can only sit and wait for His return, we, ladies, are able to choose.  We can allow heaven to come to earth.  We can dare to open ourselves up to His love and His plans and His transforming power. 

It’s daring and it’s risky, for we don’t know what He will ask of us, but we can be sure that He is good, that He is wise, and that He won’t waste even the tiniest scrap of our willingness.

Your heart can truly hold His character and release His will on earth.  Your heart, like the alabaster jar can spill out the aroma of heaven---even when it breaks.  Your heart, like a small boy’s lunch can be offered.  We won’t see it multiplied unless we first release it to His hands. 

Dare we be women of that kind of courage and that measure of hope? 

Dare we believe He is who He says He is, and that He desires to do more of what is in that immense heart of His?  We get to receive as much as we want, you know.

Other earthly containers get to represent an aspect or two of God’s personality.  We are the only ones who get to reveal the on-going movement of God, if we listen and follow.

But vessels receive things first.  Then give them away.

Please be attentive this weekend to the way the Spirit is calling you uniquely.  There are stories yet to be written, lived, and told.

There has been much prayer going on for you and for this weekend, and we believe that God has a fresh pouring out for us and will continue to give as long as we keep giving it away. Our hope was not to just provide you information this weekend, but to refresh your spirit and to draw back the curtain a little to let you have a glimpse and be encouraged by some of what God is doing within hearts in our own communities. Our hope is to serve some of  His nourishment and refreshment through the presentations and among you as you share yourselves with one another. 

So be blessed ladies, be hungry, and eat well from the feast He’s arranged. 

Taste and see that the Lord is very good.

Copyright © 2015 by Anita Hickinbotham

Friday, April 24, 2015

Casting Our Lifeline

It seems a worthwhile investment to decide how we will want to finish life,  how we will have wanted to live, what legacy we will have wanted to leave, the evidence of what was important. 

Arriving at answers to these questions can help in all the days in between, and we won’t get to the end wondering how it was that we never got to what truly mattered to us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

In the Fire

Heat tends to burn off things and reveal the true essence of the thing in the fire.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Oiled Hinges

I was stopped in my tracks this morning when I remembered again what God has done for us.  In spite of all our mistakes and intentional wrong-doings, He is right there, ready to welcome us home in a moment.  He never forces us, we must choose to be there, but once we turn, there are absolutely no barriers between us.  Our pride is a thick door, but one that swings open easily if we will but choose Him more than we want our reputation and our image. Those aren’t worth much when they are only driving our noses into the dirt The enemy tells us the door is locked, chained, and impossible.  But God has oiled the hinges.

.Ever since that glorious day in Eden that took such a devastating turn, our battle has been in trying to be like God.  The ironic thing is that He’d already made us in His image.  We’ve had all along the opportunity for what we’ve been made for and instead have chased a bunch of twisted versions of the truth.  All of us have been guilty.  All of us have wanted self-preservation.  And He stands there, ready still, not to scold, but to lift us from our knees, embrace us, and set us on our feet. 

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.  His mercies never come to an end. 

When His children come home, there isn’t a balance sheet of dues that have to be paid (though often there are repairs He allows us to help make).  He’s already paid EVERYTHING for us to be there. 

If you are struggling today, wanting peace, feeling like getting it is jumping a huge chasm that is likely to crash you to the ground, don’t believe that lie.

He is but one step away and so wanting for all the good He has waiting for you.  

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hiding Places

Ever since we first stitched together fig leaves as a substitute covering of His care and provision, God has been calling to us to come out of hiding.  His desire is that we would be truthful about who we are and who He is.  He wants us free by returning to the truth of His goodness instead of trying to struggle our way through the jungle that the enemy planted as a seed, and that has long since become an invasive and strangling weed. 

We are much more comfortable, it seems, forming our own image of ourselves, keeping it skin close and trying to convince ourselves and others that we are not desperately in need of Him.  We only fool the foolish.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

What Will You Do?

Perhaps you are at a place where of late the path has been fairly peaceful, and where joy has been present.  But just now it has taken a turn and seems unexpectedly dark, dangerous, steep, unknown, pitted with pot holes, or filled with obstacles.  What will you do? 

Well, you get to decide if you believe He will be faithful to help you navigate it.  Is He with you?  Will He speak?  Will you continue to follow, or jump ship and run to where the path seems easier today?  Grab your courage.  Pull up the bootstraps of your faith.  These are the days that matter.  They make or break our perseverance and the shaping of our character. 

Keep the faith and press on.  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What Do You Believe?

“I serve a risen Savior. He’s in the world today. I know that He is leading, whatever men may say. I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer. And just the time I need Him, He’s always near. He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives! He lives! Salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
In all the world around me I see His loving care, and though my heart grows weary I never will despair. I know that He is leading, thro' all the stormy blast; the day of His appearing will come at last.
Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian! Lift up your voice and sing, eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King! The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, None other is so loving, so good and kind.”
He lives for you today.
"He chose me first. Now, I get to choose Him back." --Jake J Stevens

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Offering Lunch

Days are good when we feast in God’s presence, spend time chewing on what He feeds us, set the table for the guests He will bring through our day, and serve those around us little tastes of the food we were given to share.  It doesn’t have to be fancy for there to be just the nourishment someone needs.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

In Due Time

Light comes through every forest in its season.  Don’t lose hope.  Hold on to it, believe for it, keep on, for it is the seed that will turn the earth, will bring the Light to you.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

In The Best Hands

The LORD is my shepherd. So “all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” (Quote by Julian of Norwich)
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Saturday, April 11, 2015

A New Season Ahead

So what's ahead for this little piece of heaven? Long standing ministry has happened here, the part before we arrived, and through the 26 years we've called it home. There is lots of vision for new chapters. And we are at a place of transition which could move us into new things here or somewhere else. Praying for the right pieces to come together for His will..."on earth as it is in heaven." Would you join me in asking for the Father's wisdom, provision, clarity, and heart?

Friday, April 10, 2015

The God of Disproportionate Exchange

 Your strength for our weariness
Your provision for our need
Your power for our weakness
Your freedom for our chains
Your righteousness for our sin
Your food for our hunger
Your joy for our sorrow
Your life for our death (because of Your death for our life)

All the weight of goodness is on Your side.
We get to turn in our brokenness and have You instead.

Take a listen to this song of freedom:  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

So Close

Lord, what you say is true.  Who you are is real.  What you plan will unfold. 

If you need proof, consider that when we had the opportunity to walk away and only later realized how we’d shot ourselves in the foot, His plan wasn’t to abandon us, but to offer us the invitation that He would live inside us, closer than ever.  In our brokenness, He knew that we needed His presence that close, His influence to be that continual, His love that permeating.  We needed to be infused with His life.  And He hung that invitation on the cross and delivered it and us through the empty tomb.

“In the secret, in the quiet place, in the stillness You are there.  In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait, only for You, ‘cause I want to know You more.  I want to know You.  I want to hear Your voice.  I want to know You more.  I want to touch You, I want to see Your face.  I want to know you more.” 

Lyrics by Chris Tomlin, “In the Secret”.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


The last several weeks have brought challenges of many kinds and much of life doesn’t feel easy right now.  Questions hang there unsettled.  Pressures are weighing in.  My list of things to do is long and weighty.  Big events are ahead and so are numerous transitions.  And it just feels like many of the pieces are askew and not fitting together rightly. 

But I have a Good Shepherd who is patient and ready to help me.  He longs for me to pause regularly and listen for His voice and to trust when I can’t see too far ahead. I pray and listen and try to move as I feel the Spirit is directing.  I believe He is who He said He is and will do what He said He will do.  And so I lean in to wait for Him to unfold it.  He has proven Himself faithful to come through in dark days and to meet me where there was no indication of a door.  He has done what seemed impossible on a long list of occasions.  But as we were getting there the days weren’t always easy or bright. 

This morning I remember that the tomb of Easter morning is still empty.  He is still alive and at work in the world and in our lives.  He calls my name as He calls yours.  He loves us and is ready to help us as we move forward toward more understanding, more restoration, more wholeness.  He knows we get distracted and sidetracked and stubborn.  He knows we are mules.  And He invites us still to come close and feel the comfort and reassurance that He has for us.   He is plenty big for whatever our life needs right now. 

He is God.  He is happily God.  He never expected me to be or to carry alone all that weighs on us. 

“God is my strong refuge, He makes my way perfect.”  2 Samuel 22:33  (I suggest you read the whole chapter if you need reassured today.)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Do You Hear That Sound?

Two days earlier the cross certainly hadn’t looked like an invitation.  It was a little more recognizable when the empty space of an open-door tomb enticed us to consider what had just occurred and offered us the opportunity to leave our death there and walk out with a new life.  

The whole story of heaven and humanity pivoted here.  Jesus died.  He rose.  He lives.

“The crack of dawn at Easter morning was really the sound of chains falling away.”—Steven James

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mary's Saturday

Yesterday’s death is sinking in.  …It is a huge lonely hole.  I have so many questions—so many desperate thoughts, and a sad, unquenchable grief that has found no comfort.

…Who was he?  How did this blessed miracle man die and leave me so alone with so many gaping feelings?  Everything is raw and fraying.  In fact, it feels like the fabric of my life has been ripped in two,  …never to be normal again…never to have the pieces intact…nothing to ever be the same.  I’ve never felt such emptiness.  This man I thought I knew is gone.  I knew him.  I did.  …At least I thought I did.  He was an edgy comfort.  A security of some kind, but “was” now rings in my ears.  He’s gone.  No more.  The night is so dark.  This deep blackness will never end, will it?

That pain.  That blood.  …I want to clear my head of those horrific images.  And yet I can’t.  His eyes were never vacant of love as he hung there, scanning the crowd for the faces of friends.  He seemed to be in whispered conversations with some invisible companion.  He had often gone off alone to pray.  I guess it had to be done publicly as he hung there, the life pouring out of him.

How will I ever sleep again?  Peace seems a distant, if not impossible, goal.  …Agony is gripping every part of my heart, body and soul, thrashing me around in the turmoil.  How do I escape this wretched hell?  Is there no release?  No hope for dawn and a warm sun to make anything ever seem at peace again?

That blood was running everywhere.  It was dripping down his face, into his eyes, onto thick warm pools on the ground.  And then finally, after what seemed like an eternity of torturous hours, he stopped breathing and then hung there lifeless.  Everything gone.  Spent.

When did I leave the foot of the cross?  It is such a blur, those hours.  They seemed endless.  Yet here I am.  Broken.  I’m poured out too, exhausted.  I don’t even know how I got home.  How can I possibly put together the pieces of his life…and his death…so that this could make any sense?

John was here.  And Peter.  We spent these few years with this mysterious man who pierced our souls.  He turned everything on end,  He seemed to ask something to die and yet brought unexpected life where we’d never thought we’d find it.  I was a social outcast, and yet he welcomed me, not to use me as so many others had, but to show me what real love looked like.  He made me feel I deserved to be loved.  There was something about him that made me believe it and I could, for the first time in so long, open my heart.

There is a deafening silence.  The city seems both chaotic and empty in a ghastly way.  Nothing has ever felt like this.  So raw.  So ragged.  So ______________.


The linen cloth is folded neatly.  Even upon his moment of bodily leaving the tomb He began to put order back and death in its proper place.  He was in charge.  Oh my…He still is!  He was the one who set the tone, who wrote the score, who put every grace note in exactly the right place.  He…well, you couldn’t imagine a more amazing person.  He was indescribable love and unmatched authority.

Every time the Pharisees had tried to trick or trap Him, He responded in a way that was so purely right, and revealed the soot on their own thinking.  Yes, He was the one in control even when He was in the hands of the officials.  Ha!  Official what?  He was in charge and yet fully obedient even to the extent of His horrible death.  This wooden crossbeam of a doorway had seemed the end.  Fate sealed shut and locked down when He said, “It is finished.”  But He has had the last word after all.  The victorious first sentences were “Why do you weep?”  and “Who are you looking for?”  Hope infused each word He spoke. 

And then He said my name.

He called me by name.  He knows me.

My tears have dried, only salty streaks are left on my face.  My heart began to burn again—a flame relit and quickly fanned into a blaze.  It seared through every bit of grief I had felt in those horrible hours.  I am bursting now with anticipation.  I still cannot fathom what this all means, except I know He is alive!  He is alive.  And so am I.

The blood that seemed to pour forever has really poured forever.  I’d wanted it to stop, the misery to end, His pain to be over.  But it didn’t then.  It couldn’t.  All of it had to come.  It had a lot to cover—an earth’s lifetime of bad choices and selfishness and evil and chasing after other things.  It had to permeate all my angry looks, gossip, jealousy, putting others down, and vying for focus, adoration, and worship.  I am not the center—He is!  This magnificent, beautiful, strong, obedient Jesus who did it all!  He took back the reins of broken earth.  He set up a new kingdom, a new order, an answer to every problem, a hope for each hurt, healing for every wound.  He is the way, the truth, the LIFE!

Words are far too limited to describe this.  God help me to find the words and to be a voice…to see clearly, to give more, to love, to come and be and trust and heal and live.  It is too vast, too astonishing, this story You have put forth.  This story You’ve lived.

How do I wrap my head around all this?  It may take my whole life to scratch the surface and to even start to grasp it.  But I will give it all I have.  Every day.  Every moment.  Every opportunity to love.  Each inconvenience give the space to consider that He may want to do something wonderful in it.  If I can trust and yield and hope and ask, seek, knock, what may occur?  Maybe the kingdom will run through my veins and mouth and life.  Maybe I can flow in that stream of goodness and healing and power, in the things that His blood has made a way for.

Mary…what was it really like to experience those gut-wrenching hours of pain and loss and vanished hope?  How did you endure the pain of Saturday, not knowing what was next?  Did you consider that His life might not be finally over?  Did you thing for even a second that it was all part of a larger grand design, of the bigger story, with the most unlikely of endings, the twists in the tale that He was scripting?  How could you know or fathom or guess that there would be such an ending…a new life and the beginning of a new way of life?

God is back in charge, though clearly He wasn’t ever not in charge.  Hope is released, never to be fully shut down again, God welling up in every available source and open and yielded place.  “Yes” becomes both a cup and a conduit.  The cup of suffering and the cup of blessing.  He had shown us all along…wedding at Cana…Last Supper…Gethsemane prayer…Heaven’s banquet.  He is the center of them all.  And communion…come to the table to remember, to sup with Him in obedience and nourishment, in death, and in everlasting life.

The quiet of the night helps to remember.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Wondrous Love

A song of gratitude...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jesus and Kroger

A Catholic friend was once telling me about his view of the sacrament of communion, the preciousness of the elements, and the casualness that he experiences in regard to communion (too casual he said) in our church’s walls.

He made some good points, one in particular that has made me pause and be more thankful every time I walk to the front to partake of the bread and drink.

Yesterday, however, I was thinking about communion again and began to consider this aspect of our practice:  There is someone in our church (I don’t even know who takes care of it) who gets in a car and drives to Kroger or Geyer’s or maybe Sam’s Club and picks up the bread and drink that we use for communion.  He or she walks through the aisles of the store, puts the items in the cart, and gets in a line to check out.  Maybe she even buys her weekly groceries at the same time.  Nevertheless, it is all in the context of a normal day.

To envision holy elements being right there in every grocery store in the midst of folks stopping in to get a few items for dinner, or an elderly, limited-income couple placing carefully selected sale items into their basket, or moms scurrying in to pick up an extra gallon of milk and a jar of peanut butter does my heart good.  I suppose that “buying Jesus’ body and blood” at Kroger could be seen as a negative, but I suddenly became thankful for it.  I like the idea of Him so very present in the normal stuff of life, “Jesus” nestled in among the lettuce, the seasonings, the box of spaghetti noodles and sauce that will be prepared and served to the family this week.

Jesus, not a distant God who is far above our daily grind, but a God who wants us to see His presence in life and who came to widen and brighten all of it.  Of course, it’s also good for me to keep in mind the sacredness that my Catholic friend’s practice embraces, for Jesus’ body and blood are surely holy elements.  I guess that’s the point…a holy God coming to earth to offer Himself into the everyday life for the redemption of it all.

Someone in our church gets in the grocery line and pays for “Jesus.”  And it can only happen because He paid for us first.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Above All" Story

The lovely account of how a beautiful song came to be.  This is a wonderful meditation for this week.