Thursday, January 5, 2017

It Was No Accident

She was young, yet her age wasn’t an obstacle.  Her heart, somehow, was already responsive and ready. 

She didn’t require answers from a God who had spoken.  She didn’t demand understanding when her heart heard His voice.  She didn’t give room to her fears to come in and whisper a bazillion “What ifs?”  She was a lovely canvas on which God had been given full permission to create beauty, life, and a path by which He could draw mankind to Himself in any way He chose. 

Still, at each moment along the way, like us, she had to continue to choose to trust Him.

We saw it first when she was barely past girlhood.  Her words (without having to text her friends to get their opinion and support) were these:  “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants. May everything you said come true.” 

She didn’t insist on convenience or happiness for herself.  Mary believed Him as the one designing the plan and who was in charge of the timing and the outcome. 

As the years went along she obviously didn’t shift to a different mindset.  It was after a few decades of watching and waiting for His plan to further unfold when she was simply sitting at a wedding celebrating and noticed a tension arising when the wine supply had run out.  There was no question about where provision could come from or who had the answer, even though her son hadn’t done a single miracle yet.  Her simple effort now was to encourage the servants to believe Him.  Perhaps she was so practiced at being ready that she could now anticipate when God was about to do something.  Is this the fruit of those who ready themselves for His call?  There was only one way for Mary to do life:  “Do whatever He tells you.”

Today we each have the same opportunity.  Just check--is following Him at the top of your to-do list today?  If so, keep your ear tuned, for He will make very good use of your yes. 

We don’t accidentally become His disciples.

Photograph from by Marinapriest

Monday, January 2, 2017


As we enter another year, maybe it would be helpful to remember what inspires us.  I am guessing that most of us appreciate those who have weathered storms, pressed in with grace and integrity in the face of difficulties, and developed character by believing a good outcome would eventually come if they did the right things now. 

The best outcomes usually don’t happen instantly.  Set your minds now for what kind of person you want to be in the year ahead, then do what it takes in the moment, even if it isn’t the most convenient or comfortable.  When next December arrives and we get to the last days of 2017 you will have more peace and be content in a deeper place for having lived well through whatever struggles come.  You will be stronger, wiser, more mature.  We will all have some difficulties.  Who will we become for having encountered them?  

Photograph from by BBoomerinDenial

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A New Year, the Same Goal

My goal for 2017 comes from a decades old song that impacted me from the beginning… “to see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, follow Him more nearly day by day.” 

My hope is that whatever the weather of the days ahead, whatever the circumstances of my life, whatever the junk I discover in myself that needs to go, I will press in, surrender my will to His, and trust in His vast ability to do good work in and from my life.  I cannot imagine any greater thing than the opportunity to know Him more in the year ahead. 

Onward.  Welcome 2017 and the lessons and provision and miracles ahead.