I am sitting here this morning in the 5am quiet, amazed by the promise we have of God with us. This Emmanuel baby who was deposited into Mary's womb by the breath of God is the very reason I can be sure that it is possible for His Spirit to live in me as I open myself to His presence. His word made it so in Mary; His Word was what--no, Who--came to us through her willingness to say yes. And His Word is dwelling in me, able to guide and direct my words and my actions as I listen to Him quietly guiding me today.
This morning I am sitting here, a cup of coffee next to me, a glowing computer screen in my face, my thoughts a mix of the wonder of the season and the responsibilities of the day ahead. There will be my job at school, dinner with John and the kids at Mom's tonight, much list-making and house tidying in any moments in between. There are kids to rustle out of bed in a while, breakfast to get into them, bookbags to gather, a husband to kiss good-bye, and "miles to go before I sleep." These December days are full ones and for the most part quite typical. And yet right now I am aware that there is a great big picture of which my tiny life is a part. I am stern with my heart right now, challenging it to remember the wonder of it as I go on through my day instead of clicking off that reality when I sign off the computer and face a busy house. It is because of the big picture that the rest is meaningful and worth all I can offer--or abandon in it. The great Light, living in each of us right here, right now, for this day is an astonishing thing.

His feet touched the planet. Be ready for Him to intersect with you in tangible ways today. That is why He came. That is why He's here.
Photographs: ready yourself, by Moon Rhythm; Kiki and the candle, by Ctd 2005
1 comment:
Glad you are back Mrs. H. I love your writing. It is so encouraging. YOU are so encouraging! Sending you a hug and can't wait to get a real one tomorrow. YAY christmas!!! ~Jillian
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