God’s whole plan is to
set up ways for us all to see and experience and reveal the vastness and wonder
of who He is. The work of God is
to let us increasingly see His character and heart. Everything He asks of you and invites you into is to reveal
His power and love, and anything less than trusting Him and diving in will
shortchange us from dazzling moments of that discovery.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Hold On
So what’s the point if I
celebrate the coming of the Christ, then pack up Christmas and tuck Him away
with all the decorations, securely in the closet for another year.
Christmas was supposed to
remind me that something is to be different in all my dealings because of His
coming. Christmas is supposed to
remind me that miracles are normal when He is here, Christmas is supposed to fill me with hope that I am not
alone, not without Shepherd direction nor Wise Man insight. Christmas isn’t just the
end-of-the-year “I made it!” doorway that just segues me toward a New Year and
starting my self-inflicted rat race again. Christmas wasn’t meant to be one day of celebration, but the
reminder that every day now holds me in His presence. The small undemanding baby I was willing to embrace has
grown up and wants me to live in His victory over sin and death.
Don’t pack Him up with
the Christmas ornaments. Let Him
be the gift of promise we wear every day, the gift we drink from for either
energy or calm, the one thing we’d like all the world to know we were
given. He was a gift that wasn’t
meant to be exchanged, put in a drawer, or given to the local thrift store
because we were too embarrassed to let anyone know we had received God for
Sunday, December 27, 2015
If your prayer is continually, “Come,
Lord Jesus,” there is good news.
Christmas and Pentecost bookended a message that was punctuated by the
cross and an empty tomb. He is
here, never to leave us or forsake us.
So now we can move on to what we do with His presence. It usually has to do with keys. Are we holding onto ours or handing
them to Him, willing to go along on the passenger seat as He takes us on the
journey of our lifeC? Don’t worry about getting bored, that
isn’t even a possibility when the days can be full of healing the sick, setting
prisoners free, and seeing love enter heavy hearts. As you begin to experience Him (in life, not in theory), you
will be surprised by His ways and His creativity. As you keep on, His trust in you will increase and He will
expand the places He will pick you to accompany Him.
You have to get past the
look in His eye that you aren’t sure is trustworthy. He is; it’s just hard for Him to hide the sparkle of
adventure. Uncertainty stops most
of us from going along.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
It Looked Too Small
So what do we do with the
Gift of yesterday? Return it for
one that we think fits us better?
We can discover that He
isn’t bankrupt or stern or stupid, and we don’t have to wait for some opportune
moment when He will be available and willing to offer us help. We don’t have to
look for a marked down version.
There isn’t one anyway. If
we truly get Him we will get all of Him, which is only scary if we haven’t yet
begun to discover His profound goodness. We will find that He smiles and laughs
and has a great sense of humor and isn’t overwhelmed by any of our real story
or unable to help us get beyond the worst of it.
If this is strange, you
can start to scratch the surface with a simple request. “If you are really there, let me see
you. I’ll give you a chance by watching. (Don’t skip that part.)” If you have encountered Him before, it
may be “Stir my hunger for You again, Lord…I’ve gotten terribly
It’s the day after
Christmas and His brilliance and worth hasn’t decreased a bit, even after the
thousands of years and all the care and provision He’s already given. He is fully there for you and His
storehouses are stocked with everything you will possibly need. You wanted peace on earth? That was exactly what He brought. Open the box.
Friday, December 25, 2015
The King Has Arrived
Bethlehem. The name means House of Bread. It was the place that was chosen for
the birth of the Bread of Life who has come to be our sustenance for every day,
to feed us with all that heaven holds. He is the whole loaf, fully on the table. How much do you want? It has always been up to us to
determine the answer. The day on
the hillside when more than five thousand were fed should help us to see that
when thanks is given and bread received, the supply will more than meet the
need. Remember the twelve
basketsful that were left afterward.
He has never been worried about running out, and is longing for those
who would come and test His character, who believe that He meant what He said
and stake their life on it.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Welcome Baby
The laboring woman gave one
final push and the baby made a grand entrance, announcing his evening arrival
with a loud and lusty first cry.
He was checked quickly by the doctor and nurses even though he appeared
to be perfect, then was wiped clean, wrapped in a soft blue blanket, and placed
into his mother’s waiting arms.
His father had been attentive throughout the pregnancy, looking after
his wife and anticipating with her the arrival of their first baby. Parenthood for them had already held
more than a few setbacks and complications. Now he was one proud and grateful daddy, amazed at the sight
and size of his tiny new son.
The father moved to the head
of the delivery table and began to wheel his wife and son into the corridor, but
instead of taking the expected right turn toward the recovery room, he
proceeded through the hospital hallways straight toward the infectious disease
ward, and once there, moved from bed to bed, placing his tiny son into the arms
of each person there. The startled
patients were not used to having visitors in this sparse and depressing
place. It wasn’t safe here.
No one could have anticipated
this absurd scene, yet it really shouldn’t strike us as odd or unfamiliar. After all, it’s precisely the story we
celebrate every Christmas. It was
that amazing night when God the Father sent His Son here to planet earth, where
there was not even one person who
could be considered “well” in His eyes.
All of us were deathly ill, trying to fight off with fleshly knowledge
and sheer determination what we were not equipped to conquer. We had already been given the news and
the report was not good.
“It’s terminal,” they’d told us as gently as possible. We knew we were dying before they said
the words. We could feel it. And then the Father brings His tiny Son
here, right into the thick of the mess and says to each of us “Would you like
to hold the baby?” In our arms now
was the miracle cure we were afraid would not come in time. But He has come. It
is very good news.
Anita Hickinbotham©2008
A Good Soak
What is God up to? Give that question a moment to sink in,
then consider both how widely He can work and how immense His power is. Soak in that wonder. He has come, and is coming still.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Who Could Imagine?
It’s the best miracle
ever. We were given Jesus for
Christmas. He is a gift that will
not tarnish or break, whose batteries will never wear out, whose end we will
never finish discovering as we plumb His depths and gaze at the wonder of who
He is and what He is doing in His universe. We begin by accepting the gift, untying its red ribbon, and
lifting the lid of the gift that will fill our desire and fulfill our
destiny. There are more layers
there than you could ever imagine.
He is healing, provision,
protection. He is the missing
piece you have been hungering for your whole life, the one that brings peace,
for that is who He IS. He is
astonishingly good. Dare to pray a
prayer that if any of it is true, your eyes will begin to see, your heart will
begin to feel it, your spirit will have the courage to dip its toe into the
stream and see where the river is going.
Once you get your first mouthful of these waters you will never regret
doing whatever it takes to swim there for the rest of your days. Pay the price to turn from the tinsel
and find the gold.
Monday, December 21, 2015
The Gift
You’d think that the
evidence of His strength and attention to beauty and detail and goodness would
have been apparent with a sky full of stars, cascading waterfalls, fields of
sunflowers, and lands full of animals in endless varieties, but He went a few
big steps beyond even that. He
decided to come in person, to visit us, and to show us what He was all
about. It wasn’t for state dinners
(He preferred the company of those who had true curiosity, no matter what
economical class they were in), or pampering (He was pressed and stretched more
days than not). Jesus came to
display some of the love and power of His Father’s kingdom, what was important
there, and offering all of it to any who would dare to take Him up on it. He lifted the weary, healed the blind,
lame, and lepers, put a few from the tomb back into the company of their
families, and lit the flame in hearts that didn’t yet understand the
significance of what was going on.
Then He bled, died, and rose to ensure that we wouldn’t miss the point
of the power He holds.
He places much in our
hands…time, resources, gifts chosen specifically for us by Holy Spirit and
invites us to come back to Him with them all, open handed, to discover what He
had in mind when He distributed those magnificent ingredients. We can’t do glorious work and bring
what He intends from heaven to earth if we decide we can manage it adequately
without His guidance.
You may be wrapped up in
all the trappings of the holiday, but He doesn’t care if your paper is a bit
torn and your ribbons crushed in this hectic season. Just come, and bring Him the Christmas gift of you. Let Him open you up and decide what He
will do with your precious life.
His plans are stunningly beautiful and not at all dependent on the condition
we are in when we come to Him. He
is utterly gifted at taking something that most would consider far too damaged
and revealing its true beauty and worth.
Stop holding on. Stop stepping from the Christmas rush
right into the resolutions of the coming year marked with your own goals and
see what He has for you, miracles all of them, as you walk it out learning how
trustworthy and brilliant He is.
You are the gift He wants
Friday, December 18, 2015
Getting Our Wings
I love that
God has never tried to mask over the depravity of humanity. He is big enough for our real stories,
our true damage, our great need.
He gave us Himself for Christmas.
It’s mind-blowing…honestly, think about this…GOD IS WITH US. We become
so aware of His presence in which we are encompassed, that our circumstances
are then rightly seen as the outer layers of reality, not the most close and
influential ones and our freedom truly begins to be our experience.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
On My Way
All of us begin the day with
worship. Don’t we all wake up—our
minds being immediately set on something…a person, a need, a plan, a
circumstance…whatever is forefront…important? We give our attention and
thoughts to whatever has moved into that position of power. And thus begins our day. We shift to circle around it, to bow to
its influence, to let it point its finger to the way it demands we should
Many of us have never
identified what runs us, what sets its subtle but consuming agenda. And maybe we will wake up months or
years later wondering how we could possibly have missed so much, never having
gotten around to what we said was important, how we had wanted to live.
Please don’t be afraid to
pause for there is a way back home, its promise and invitation in each
dawn. The way there isn’t a long
one, but starts in the quiet of the heart and a turning to it.
It takes courage to admit
our distractions and shortcomings and failures and idols. But refreshment and strength will come
to the man or woman or child who will go there.
We are in a season when
many will be heading home to spend holidays with loved ones. No matter if you have friends and
relatives accessible or not, your excessively good and gracious Father is only
one moment away. He is near. He has already come to love you, to
teach you, to guide you into all He imagined you to be, all He designed for
you. The difference between Him
and all the others is that He always has your best interest beating in His massive
heart. Every persistent and
patient effort is one to enjoy your company.
This morning, take a
chance and turn His way and let Him begin, or continue, to speak His healing
and restoration to you. He will
bring wisdom and direction and provision.
It’s who He is, and it is the gift He gives to those who desire Him.
Friday, December 11, 2015
All Around Us
I pray that we would, in
the day before us, get an unexpected whiff of heaven, that we would see Your
presence in the faces and circumstances around us, and notice Your fingerprints
and movement and follow Your exceptional rhythm. I pray that we would not be timid to taste the things that
You have prepared for us to both share and receive and to know the community
that You long for us to have.
Hebrews 12:1 (The Voice) So
since we stand surrounded by all those who have gone before, an enormous cloud of witnesses, let us drop every
extra weight, every sin that clings to us and slackens our pace, and let us run with endurance the long race set
before us.
No one said it would be easy, but great is the reward
for those who accept the invitation and lace up their shoes to run after Him,
who keep walking and listening as He speaks, who kick off their shoes to dance
when the music plays. The rhythm
isn’t always the same and sweet will be the joy He brings as you find your
pleasure in His care.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
We quiet ourselves to
hear Him better. We stop our
busyness to sense His movement. We
set aside the plan for the day and the lists of what we think is important to get
a glimpse of what He has in mind.
We set down human agendas to gain heavenly ones. We dare to approach the warmth of the
fire to discover the depths of His strength and love, the blazing light to
reveal our broken places, the potter’s kiln to strengthen us, the holy light to
see His brilliance.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
The Invitation
We come through life,
given the opportunity to consider what we are doing here. We bump into the difficulties within
and around us, pushed here, tugged there.
We struggle to reach for our security blanket, whatever that may be, but
all of which have fraying edges.
We are moved deep within
by the subtle stirrings of something that seems right and pure and good, but it
is filmy. We are afraid to trust
that it could truly be or truly hold us.
But there is where the miracles are waiting.
This time of year reminds
us some with unusual courage. Mary
couldn’t see the end from the beginning, Joseph was surrounded by the cultural
turmoil of the situation he found himself in. They chose to trust the call and to focus not on the chaos
that would ensue, but on the voice of the One who invited.
Advent is a time to
remind us again of the invitation.
It will always be mixed in with the glossy ads of things that
tantalize. Don’t just assume that
you will go to the party. You need
to make a decision and R.S.V.P.
Every day following is the unfolding of the party if you will attend.
Friday, December 4, 2015
On Earth
The story of Jesus’ life
includes three different versions of a veil being torn. The most obvious one, the moment of His
crucifixion death, was when the veil in the temple was torn in two, tearing the
thick wall between God and man and allowing eternal access for each of us. But that was the last of the three
His birth had also
included a tearing, one of an amniotic sac necessary for a human arrival. That was the second one, allowing the
gift to arrive—the coming of God to live among us.
But an even earlier veil
story was nine months before when a young woman said yes to the invitation of
God. Mary offered herself for His
outrageous plans, yielding her future to His way. Her dreams for home and husband were forever altered as she
responded with a courageous “yes” when the angel arrived bearing a heavenly
proposal that nearly cost her her earthly one with Joseph. It was a very real risk that the bridal
veil she’d probably envisioned for years might be lost forever in the scandal
she was entering. This was not a
tame story. Her “yes,” wrapped in
humble willingness, had the power of trust at its core that could shatter
darkness. She would agree to that
whatever the cost. She didn’t know
how it would unfold, only that her life was only right when she aligned her
will with His and let whatever good He’d desired get to earth.
At the moment she agreed,
however, and in any moment that we say yes to God’s promptings and will, we
find that a veil of possibility gets torn and heaven arrives again. Each time it is a miraculous gift that
brings His amazing presence and power to the planet.
When His will comes, He
Himself is with us. We cannot
separate Him from His purpose and His character. It is all one.
Love and truth and justice come when we are willing to choose Him.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
It's Not Heads and Tails
Let your “Yes” be “Yes,”
and your “No” be “No.”
We are too often
persuaded by other people’s expectations and impressions of us. Our own convictions and values
sometimes get lost in trying to please others rather than being true to the heart
of how we want to live.
This morning, in this
time of Advent dark, let’s determine to live today being true to that which we
ultimately what we want to be about.
We can become a very watered down version of ourselves if we stop living
in a way that is burning in our heart and keeps the coals of the most important
things alive. One way of
increasing our clarity and strength is by walking moment by moment in the truth
that we know.
Be courageous today in
your yeses and your nos.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Question in Advent
Advent comes with a
question that burns in the soul.
It is dark. It is
quiet. And we have the inevitable
uneasiness and doubts that must be worked through.
Will the King actually
come? Will the Savior arrive in
time? We must experience it
ourselves to be convinced, yet each time, the question hangs there again. Will spring come to whatever winter I
am frozen in?
The only way I have
figured out how this dilemma gets resolved is in the walking through my
days. There is no other way for
our hearts to be assured than to build a record of His attentiveness and
faithfulness. We walk. We stumble sometimes and our faces are
down. We see progress and often
days unfolding that we wouldn’t consider the “answer” to our prayers. And yet He will be at work if we give
Him time and room.
One wonderful thing about
getting older as a believer is that the track record begins to get built. We see that even if the situation
didn’t unfold to the script we would have written, He has answered and
worked. It is a glorious
Advent gives us that
opportunity again to sit in the quiet and gaze upward, to slow down and
remember my story and how He has worked.
And I trust forward and celebrate and rest in His unearned care again.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
The Discovery in Advent
Advent is upon us, a time
to pause, to watch, to wait. All
of us are in modes of waiting for something to unfold, something to change or
settle or arrive that we’ve expected or hoped for. Do not lose hope, my friend. Let’s stir the coals that have been close to going cold.
I want to return for a
moment, on this first morning of Advent, to Eden. It is so easy to envision it as a naïve place where we just
had our heads in the sand of reality.
But I don’t think Eden was at all like that. It was a lush and vibrant place. It had a mystery to be discovered, but one that was easily
missed. It was a place where
mankind and womankind were at their fullest, but in the first elements of what
could be explored and discovered and what was there to be found was
immense. They were yearning for
more, but the snag for them was a tug for independence and power over
something, not the deeper and more vulnerable and better place that had them
needing one another and wildly working together in all the plans that could
The serpent’s tongue was
indeed a spear that nailed them to a dimmer reality of the knowledge they might
attain, and it took the nails to another tree to reveal a great truth a couple
of thousand years later. And still
we suffer the illusions that first draped us in the garden, the clothes we so
badly need to shed, the masks that would be far better to remove.
We have an opportunity to
discover something precious this season.
We can quiet ourselves and listen to the deeper beat in our hearts, the
quieter rhythm of longing that runs beneath all the louder things that usually
catch our attention and demand our time.
Take some moments to gift
yourself with some quiet this season and look closely for what might be
stirring in you. You are alive, so
the coals are there somewhere; it’s inevitable. His breath in you, each moment is part of the fanning of any
tiny ember to flame you into the being you are meant to be. Most of us miss it, building our own
miniscule kingdoms in a poor tradeoff of the glorious adventure He’s
planned. See if you can discover a
tiny thread of it this season and pull.
It will be much stronger a cord than it appears.
Make this Advent a season
of looking for what has been veiled for far too long or hidden in the many
layers of what you’d thought was vital.
Those trappings may have actually been the walls between you and your
real purpose. It is still there to
be discovered, no matter the circumstances and supposed limitations. Begin by being truly present in the
moment before you.
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