Saturday, December 26, 2015

It Looked Too Small

So what do we do with the Gift of yesterday?  Return it for one that we think fits us better?

We can discover that He isn’t bankrupt or stern or stupid, and we don’t have to wait for some opportune moment when He will be available and willing to offer us help. We don’t have to look for a marked down version.  There isn’t one anyway.  If we truly get Him we will get all of Him, which is only scary if we haven’t yet begun to discover His profound goodness. We will find that He smiles and laughs and has a great sense of humor and isn’t overwhelmed by any of our real story or unable to help us get beyond the worst of it. 

If this is strange, you can start to scratch the surface with a simple request.  “If you are really there, let me see you. I’ll give you a chance by watching. (Don’t skip that part.)”  If you have encountered Him before, it may be “Stir my hunger for You again, Lord…I’ve gotten terribly distracted.” 

It’s the day after Christmas and His brilliance and worth hasn’t decreased a bit, even after the thousands of years and all the care and provision He’s already given.  He is fully there for you and His storehouses are stocked with everything you will possibly need.  You wanted peace on earth?  That was exactly what He brought.  Open the box.  

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