Monday, August 31, 2015
Breathe This All Day Long
Trust and
obedience to the call of God (whether mighty tugs or gentle whispers) are the
most powerful elements of our humanity.
Dare to live for Him and watch what begins to happen. Exercising those precious gifts in the
opportunities of the day brings immense beauty on earth. Pause from the voices of your favorite
camp for a bit and try to listen directly to His.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
The Tap is at Hand
“The kingdom of heaven is
at hand.” Some translations say
“The kingdom of heaven is near.”
Either way, when Jesus came to us in the flesh, and especially when He
began His earthly ministry, something truly changed. Heaven was now something that had come so close we could
touch it. Once the work of Good
Friday was finished and the temple’s veil was ripped in two, the way became
totally cleared for His presence to be our normal experience. Sometimes we forget and misunderstand
and pray for God to be with us.
But He already is and promised to never leave. It’s
time to pray other prayers.
The end of Romans 8
defines some of it… “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through him who loved us. For I am
convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the
present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything
else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is
in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We have
His presence; we have His love.
It gets even better. The words we speak have power to change
the atmosphere. No news
there. But when you are carrying the
presence of God inside you and the way is open, you have access to His wisdom
and resources, and believing as you go, there will be opportunities to live out
what we pray in the Lord’s Prayer:
“Our Father…your will be done ON earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” Don’t let those just be overly familiar
words to pass over. Our
opportunity is to actually bring heaven to earth with His presence, His
healing, His peace, His comfort to those who mourn, His provision. We are the vessels that contain
heaven’s treasure and pour it out as we go.
There is a remarkable
paragraph in Acts 5. It has to do
with shadows. Shadows are only
created when something is close and is near a light source. A shadow is the result of the presence
of light and the nearness of the thing casting the shadow. Probably all of us have experienced the
sweet shade (shadow) of a tree on a hot summer day. But the section in Acts 5 (start at verse 12) reveals
the potential of the presence of even the shadow of a believer. Read this: “The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders
among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s
Colonnade. No one else dared join
them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. Nevertheless, MORE AND MORE men and
women BELIEVED IN THE LORD and were added to their number. AS A RESULT, people brought the sick
into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that AT LEAST PETER’S SHADOW
might fall on some of them as he passed by. Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem,
bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits, AND ALL OF THEM WERE
There is an immense
reservoir of heaven waiting to come to earth as we believe, as we learn the
pulse of His heart and to hear His voice, to obey the tugs of opportunity, and
walk expecting that He will use vessels like us for His work of healing and
Does it make you curious
to know how much might be available for us to distribute?
In the morning, take a
big gulp of Living Water. Splash
around in His presence, so you go out into your day, having been reminded of
His intent for goodness to be spread around. Then live out your day, sharing what He has given you and
opening the tap of His endless care.
It is August 26, 2015 and
the kingdom of heaven is still at hand.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Catching the Wind
IF I have believed, the
Holy Spirit of God resides in me.
AS I believe through my day, and stay attentive to even His slightest
movements, I will be able to bring His presence there.
We have this precious
gift and the direction and heart and power and resources that come with it, the
presence of God. He is ready to
use us to do His work and share Good News today. It is meant to spill out into every encounter and affect all
the places and situations we go.
It is not in a pre-calculated way, although preparation is
important. We get to know Him in
the quiet moments we cast our eyes and ears and hearts His way. We learn as we read His word and let it
read us, responding to the tugs to our hearts as He reminds us of opportunities
and dangers.
We are meant to bring His
desires and hopes and dreams to earth and He has designed it to come in the individual
expressions of the shape He has made us to be…we are earthen vessels with
divine assignments and joyous invitations.
I get so fogged up with
the obligations of life sometimes and the agendas that I write for my day. Those are not bad things, but ones that
also need His direction and power.
But I also want to be like a sail, able to be filled with the breath of
His word and movement, going in the subtle movements He directs through the
day. My desire is to make myself
available to turn myself to catch its wind, to feel the power of that invisible
force and to see where He is going, what He is doing in the moments of this
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Your Moment Is Here
Be grateful that in this
amazing swirl of all the events in the universe that are happening right now,
you, in this very instant, have the privilege to choose. And in some ways it doesn’t matter
about any or all of the mistakes you have made, or even, remarkably, the
mistakes that have been done to you.
The tipping point is if you will be courageous enough to believe that
you can. In THIS moment you can
choose to be whatever kind of man or woman you want to be.
You are on a new page of
your book. The story doesn’t have
to continue in the same trail of the previous pages. Sometimes we are so in the flow of the story we are in that
we forget there is a wider picture available.
We do have a choice. We can choose how to respond to the
situations around us and determine our actions, and anything we want of that
nature is possible. We will not do
it perfectly, but when we mess up, when we hurt someone and regret it, an “I
was wrong” or “I am so sorry” are words that are in the pocket of every human
being where we can reach for them, pull them out, and speak them.
And mean them.
Please choose carefully
who you want to be. Be honest with
yourself. Be truthful with others.
Be humble. Be understanding of the
battles that others face, but also expectant enough to know that more good can
happen in the world and that you can influence it.
Always be ready to learn
more—it is one of the most precious and overlooked gifts, and to be willing to
plumb deeper into the workings of who you are and what causes you to move in
any “less than what is possible” kind of way. You being “you” doesn’t have to come with disqualifiers and
excuses. Being a human being comes
with dazzling options and rich possibilities. Most of us never get around to taking hold of them.
The will is so very
powerful. Decide. Then go and splash in the puddles of it
and twirl in that kind of life.
Joy and purpose await you.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Growing Well
Father, forgive us for
thinking that efficiency means there is never a good day for pruning to occur
in our lives. Let us trust You
enough to hear the words that are less comfortable for us, less encouraging on
the surface, but essential for the strong growth and fruit-bearing goals You
have in mind. Your ways and timing
are the ones that will actually best shape our hearts and lives as we will
listen to Your love (both the affirming and corrective words) as You see us
clearly and desire our health and wholeness and joy. Let us be open with You and with another someone who is
mature in Your ways, who cares for our heart, and who doesn’t just tell us what
we want to hear. Distant
fingerpointing isn’t helpful, but the word of someone who is alongside and will
speak truth to us is priceless.
Begin to assess your
health in this way… Are you hearing both the affirming words of who God says
you are and the ones He speaks to call you from things that would damage
you? If not, ask Him to speak in
both ways and give Him your ear to do so.
Repeat continually.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
The Release
It is difficult, when we
are afraid, to open our hands to receive what might be able to come our
way. It feels so vulnerable. We fear the loss, instead of
envisioning what He might give.
Offering when we are not sure of His goodness feels risky. How can we give freely or contribute
our little bit? Will it make any
All I know is that a
clutched, fearful life wears me out and robs me of much. I’ve lived too much of my life that way
and see some of the tendency still with me. It might be a lifelong lesson, but I am aware of its teeth
now and resist it far more quickly.
I can try to hold on to secondary things, but I lose part of the freedom
and the life I am supposed to enjoy when I seize up to guard and secure things
Sometimes I have to
actually practice the physical exercise of standing there with palms open and
upturned. It reveals a little of
my discomfort and I can tell some of the condition of my heart by the
“availability” of my hands to be open.
Today, try practicing the
posture of open hands, listing the things aloud that are weighing on your mind
and heart. Try to give Him a
little more leeway with them.
One thing I am totally
sure of is this: What we entrust
to His care will never be abused.
He is gentle and strong to work with us, work on us, and will work in
and through us to make something beautiful and strong out of the scraps we may
have in our story. There are NO
past mistakes, no wrongs done (to or by us) that can’t be used for something
good for our life if we will offer it to His use. Remember that the hands you are placing things INTO as you
release them from yours are nail-pierced ones. He does not take pain lightly and is all about putting
pieces back together. He is the
Master at puzzles and lives.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Use the Key
It is time for us to
believe He is who He says and will do what He promised. It was an amazing morning of prayer and
praise. I was lead through a bunch
of things, but brought to Revelation 1.
Check the verses that tie in with today’s date: Verse 8, 15, and 18:
:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says
the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
:15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a
furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
:18 I am the Living One; I
was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
I am not content to
experience just in theory this powerful God and stop short of believing that He
is still ready to move heaven and earth as we believe.
Matthew 16:19 Jesus said, “I will give you the keys
of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
He has put keys in our
hand. What will we unlock today?
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
No Chains
Do not let the enemy
convince you that you are trash.
Do not let him snip away at your identity until you doubt that you
should even be here. God has made
you perfectly…PERFECTLY…for work that He has designed. He needs you to be you, in the free
form that He imagined and shaped and set in time and space alongside others who
will be your companions here, doing the part that only you can do to reveal
Him. You are a beautiful and
strong part of what He arranged.
He guides us with wisdom
so to avoid the lies that would kill our hopes, steal our dreams, and destroy
our sense of value. We are so desired
that God sent His Son to break the power of the evil that had entrapped human
beings for all but the first few chapters of their existence. ALL the strings of the curse have been
cut. ALL the chains of death have
been defeated. The power that once
held us has been relegated to a lower place, one that has no authority
anymore. He fights against
anything that would take us from our true purpose. He hates the lies that have bound us and invites us
continually into the freedom that we already possess. He has ALWAYS fought FOR you.
If you need to remind
yourself, read again Matthew 28 today and ask Him to help you take hold of its
Monday, August 10, 2015
Spread the Word
We do not need to enter
prayer in worry and fretting and turmoil in our hearts. If that is the state of your being this
morning (as it was mine), switch your lens first to His sovereignty, His
goodness, His care for all that burdens you, and for all that He has done to
win the victory. The tone of
your prayers will then be different.
You will pray from a place of expectation for the ongoing unfolding of
more of that peace and freedom.
We sometimes think we are
left to just endure the hardships, and indeed, perseverance is part of the
work. But don’t forget that the
victory has already been won, and it is the main work of believers to
We are not in a position
of having to win the battles. Read
again what was prophesied (Isaiah 61) and then took on as His work forward
(Luke 4)…
To BRING good news to the
To BIND UP the brokenhearted
To PROCLAIM liberty to
the captives
And RELEASE to the
To BRING good news to the
To PROCLAIM release for
the captives
And RECOVERY of sight to
the blind
To LET the oppressed go
To PROCLAIM the year of
the Lord’s favor.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
The Burn
I considered this morning
how God uses people in the lives of others. There are the moments that are the sharing of fruit of their
lives that has developed as a tasty and nourishing offering. We love that joyous, party-like
stuff. But there is also the kind
that comes from hardships suffered and choosing to share life anyway.
Trees that started and
grew and offered shade for a long time are sometimes felled and cut to
pieces. Sometimes it chooses to
sit there. And in those seasons, is
vulnerable to staying isolated in the woods, disintegrating little by little as
the seasons pass.
But when someone is
willing to roll onward, offering what may seem like small parts of themselves
still, because they believe in His goodness and ability to restore and be true
to what He says, then they can help kindle and increase the fire in the belief
of another who never had known that that kind of passion existed. Only vulnerable and honest sharing of
that kind produces a glimpse of strength and the blazing heat that we discover
later kept us alive during the coldest nights of our lives.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Have At It
I find I have the most
confidence in those who begin to take hold of 1) how dearly loved they are, and
2) can tell you some recent examples of God’s loving correction in their life,
no matter where they are in the process.
Our Father is so good and
enjoys us so much, and will keep working to form us into our best selves…the
version that made Him say “This is VERY good.” He is so ready to take the effects of all the muck that we’ve
done and that’s been done to us and reshape us into the beautiful strong
creatures He envisioned.
It is lovely and
amazingly powerful to see those who desire His best work in their lives lean in
for all He wants to do, those who will yield their own thinking and will for
His better wisdom and ways, and who will listen and change course when He
guides them to do so. God is thrilled when given a response from us that lets
Him “have at us” with all He has in mind.
That’s why this matter of trust is so crucial. How much voice will I
give Him? The answer makes all the difference.
Will I allow Him to have
room and my cooperation for the days that are the pruning ones for the fruit He
wants to bear, and the fire ones so that this vessel of my life can be made
strong? Great things…GREAT things…are
made both by care and unapologetic shaping…earthen pots, fruit-bearing plants,
and human beings.
People who are willing to
be formed by His hand will find that the space is vast that He will make of
your life and will fill it with the fruit that forms into you (in whatever
version is His perfect expression through you), then will lead you to do what
that vessel can do like no other.
If you will, ask Him newly what He thought of when He envisioned (insert
your name here), and begin to regularly listen for His dreams of you. The thing is…He has all the resources
to make His dreams come true.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Who's In?
We say we believe in
Ok then.
He tells us we will
receive wisdom if we ask, but we seem to prefer our own limited perspective
instead of pressing for His and trusting what we hear enough to follow Him
instead of us holding the reins of the outcome.
He has given us His word
for instruction, but we leave it sitting on a shelf instead of wrestling our
way through it to seek His ways and discover His heart.
He has promised us
provision and asked us to test Him (the only time I know that He did). The offer was that He would open the
windows of heaven and pour down overflowing blessing when we bring our tithes
to the storehouse. And we prefer,
apparently, not to give up our measly 10% and then watch how He comes
He tells us in 2
Chronicles 7 “if MY people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray,
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” We must not feel big enough when we are on our faces. …We seem to be waiting for the world to
get good first, then we will do our part when it’s easier.
We have opted for
building our own small kingdoms with the columns of our own principles instead
of embracing His immense offer to let us join in building His really good
one. I just can’t help but
think that our communities and our families and lives would look far different if
we, in the church, actually believed our God with our heads, hearts, wallets,
and feet.
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