Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Release

It is difficult, when we are afraid, to open our hands to receive what might be able to come our way.  It feels so vulnerable.  We fear the loss, instead of envisioning what He might give.  Offering when we are not sure of His goodness feels risky.  How can we give freely or contribute our little bit?  Will it make any difference? 

All I know is that a clutched, fearful life wears me out and robs me of much.  I’ve lived too much of my life that way and see some of the tendency still with me.  It might be a lifelong lesson, but I am aware of its teeth now and resist it far more quickly.   I can try to hold on to secondary things, but I lose part of the freedom and the life I am supposed to enjoy when I seize up to guard and secure things myself. 

Sometimes I have to actually practice the physical exercise of standing there with palms open and upturned.  It reveals a little of my discomfort and I can tell some of the condition of my heart by the “availability” of my hands to be open.  

Today, try practicing the posture of open hands, listing the things aloud that are weighing on your mind and heart.  Try to give Him a little more leeway with them.

One thing I am totally sure of is this:  What we entrust to His care will never be abused.  He is gentle and strong to work with us, work on us, and will work in and through us to make something beautiful and strong out of the scraps we may have in our story.  There are NO past mistakes, no wrongs done (to or by us) that can’t be used for something good for our life if we will offer it to His use.  Remember that the hands you are placing things INTO as you release them from yours are nail-pierced ones.  He does not take pain lightly and is all about putting pieces back together.  He is the Master at puzzles and lives.  

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