Monday, October 19, 2015

Will I Do It?

  I am grateful to know that however rocky and scary and messy the stuff of life is, I have a God who is with me, who will lead me forward, who will reveal Himself as I walk in faith, and who will put things right in the end (if not before).  I walk toward that day, trusting for this one.

Part of what has occurred is to decide what kind of person I want to be (character), what kind of life I am aiming for (what are the top priorities of how I want to live and what I want to “achieve”), and what I DON’T want to be driven by. 

I realized some years ago that fear was not helping me make good choices.   If I am in “survival” mentality, I will probably make some desperate (and unnecessarily stupid) moves that will likely complicate my life.  If, however, I believe that God is a mighty and good Father who will work good even from the most difficult days that a broken earth and our broken lives produce, then I can being to walk in trust and watch Him grow amazing things from the soil of my life.  I AM a garden. 

I can weed (and let Him weed things out of my life).  I can water (and received the watering He brings).  I can trust His timing and power (and see what opportunities come about as I obey). 

Be in the moment.
Trust Him in the moment.
Don’t start re-writing how He says to live, or justify with a million excuses (or even one) the reason that you can do it differently. 
Dive deep in believing Him—really living a life of trusting HIM. 
And your amazing life will begin to unfold.  You will be stunned when you start to see the fruit as it begins to be revealed. 

The seven basic steps that I have embraced for how I go about life are these:

1.  Trust in what God says about who He is and what He will do for healing, for restoration, and for you.
2.  Start to notice the opportunities in the day and become sensitive to His nudges to move here or there.  He is doing amazing things and I can be a part of His blessing in other’s lives, and be transformed in the process.
3.  Tithe, and watch how God will provide.
4.  Be firm with myself to not create excuses, but to live with integrity and let Him be my defender and provider.
5.  Play, by resting in His promises to care for me and to remember the amazing good Hands I am in.  It enables (though I am still learning a lot about this) an element of peace and fun instead of fear and worry.
6.  Pray without ceasing, not settling for “new normals” or “Plan B”s, when there is a God who heals and restores that is waiting for us to believe He will.  Dare to pray the biggest prayers your faith will muster, not the “2nd best” ones because you are afraid He can’t do what you really long for.  
7.  I only have THIS time in ALL eternity to walk in faith, to trust for what I don’t yet see, to believe for His goodness and to discover what He will do as I offer my life to Him.  I am determined not to miss seeing His power intersect my life, and the miracles He will let me in on.

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