Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It's Time

Will I actually believe?  Will I put real confidence in what  God says is true and stand with the weight of my heart, my mind, my time, my money, my tongue, and the events throughout my daily life on the glorious foundation and stunning promises He gives you and me?  In my workplace, in my home, in any place I go in my community?  What would change in my life if I did?  What habits would I give up for so much better?  What second-rate comforts or self-medications or quick justifications could I dump, and embrace instead what is truly beautiful and strong and worthy of this precious short life I get the privilege to live and for the King who came to have me?  What excuses would I be willing to shelve if I had the courage to take Him at His word? 

He has invited me into peace and rest and joy and watching what happens when a dazzling heavenly Kingdom kisses earth.  Sometimes I settle for chaos and turmoil and hiding, just like my great-grandparents did in the Garden where they too thought they could find something beyond, thinking it would taste better.  We’ve all been reeled in by some pretty potent lies instead of taking the good He offers and trusting Him with these lives He made for His delight.  Sometimes I am utterly stupid.  That He loves and calls me anyway and offers me His companionship sometimes seems unbelievable.  But believing Him is the beginning of life and the genesis of being what He envisioned when He spoke our names.  If we are willing to start believing He is good we will find ourselves at the doorway of His power and provision and the miracles of how He works in the “even so.”  “But God”…glorious stuff. 

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