Monday, April 4, 2016

The River Runs

Just as the rains run naturally to the lowest places, so too, God’s grace gathers and pools in the place of our deepest needs.  His mercies are new every morning.  He does not turn up a holy nose at our shortcomings or smirk at our mistakes.  He is kind.  He is powerful.  He is good.  He is strong.  And He is lavishly for us. 

O that we would believe that He loves us and is mightily at work for His best to be revealed.  O that we would give Him room and trust Him to unfold good things.  O that we would cry out to Him in our need, then respond and open the door widely when He comes to us and points the way. O that we would accept that He is God and able to do what we cannot instead of trying to play God ourselves and insist on creating our own kingdom.  All the best is at hand for us if we will but follow Him and receive.

He is there, where you need Him most, waiting to be soaked into your story.  His desire is that we would find His presence and provision joyful.

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