Monday, March 30, 2015
Who Do You Believe I Am?
This week
challenges us to consider what we really believe about God. Is He the one who lived long ago, died,
was buried, and whose memory we uphold in worship and trying to live by the age
old foundations He laid out for us?
Is He a scam? Is He a good
man who we can think well of along with a lengthy list of other notable
humans? Or is He a resurrected God
who is truly alive and still is at work to bring new life and restoration to
the earth, who is active, loving, moving, still building on those ancient solid
truths, and whom we will seek, listen for, and follow? Is He a good long-ago story or One
whose most dramatic chapter is yet to come, who will set all things right once
and for all, and for which we should be making ourselves ready?
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Borrowed Language
"What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, Dearest Friend?"
Friday, March 27, 2015
Communion Shared Here
How would you have responded to
the offer of a job where the assignment was to deliver a message to a group
whose eyes were blind, whose ears were plugged, whose hearts were armor-clad,
and whose spirits barely had a pulse?
You were asked to get their attention and rebuild them from the ground
up by asking them to die with the promise that they would live again. To do it, of course, they would have to
trust you.
It is a miracle that 2000 years
later, this tiny kingdom work is still alive. For all that we still don’t see, hear, and understand, after
all the bad chapters of abuse of many kinds within its walls and ranks, with
eons of twisted teaching, and hearts that still so often resist Him, He has not
abandoned the mission. The church
is still here, hobbling often, but always with a thread of authenticity
remaining somewhere in the fiber in each chapter of history.
What were the chances that this
could work? Well, it wouldn’t be
because we were so smart and cooperative, but because of a God who was able and
willing, who loved immensely, and was authentically and thoroughly good. He was the only ingredient that could
make this possible.
His presence could transform the
atmosphere and set our hearts on fire.
He could reach us and lift us up and place us on firm ground, teach us
how to walk, then open the books and reveal the adventures of big and small
events of work and play and love that could penetrate earth with heaven. We have to let Him pierce us first by
getting deep into our hearts, which often feels like surgery, but it is the way
that we are made alive and by which our friendship with Him spills the cup of
blessing into the world.
The drops of blood that fell
onto earth that long-ago stormy Friday were the first splashes of Heaven’s
communion reaching us. The wine
that Father, Son, and Spirit had shared had been translated into the missing element
of sacrificial love so full that it overflowed in that culminating morning
where a new day truly began. Earth had now literally received it, and even
though most still didn’t recognize what was occurring, the planet had seen it,
had heard it, had been touched with its power. It held more hope than we could imagine. It was all the provision we could
possibly need.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Beautiful Invitation
The week leading to the cross
revealed mankind’s worst—fickle minds and hearts, astoundingly bad decisions,
fear and hate driven actions. All
of us have been prone to these maladies in some degree or the other as we
knee-jerk in self-preservation.
We’ve all been infected by it.
It is a mind-boggling thing to
consider that we killed the God of the universe in response to our position
being threatened, our dignity and authority being challenged by One who could
have struck us lame, mute, or dead, but came instead to show us the true
identity of both God and man. It
would have been impossible without His willingness to enter our flesh and live
our dilemmas, showing mankind another way to do the business of life.
After the preparation time of
Him learning obedience, the teaching officially began, occurring in fewer years
than most of us spend in high school.
It was a crash course in the most significant school the world has ever
seen. Done on hillsides and around
dinner tables and walking through fields, He taught us. But we were neither gracious hosts or
quick learners. The few who seemed
able to see Him accurately and understand were those who were so low on the
societal scale that there was no place to look but up. And recognize Him some of them
did. His heavenly background was
evident from their point of view.
He chose to respond to our
mistreatment by carving through the immense wall of our sin and coming out on
the other side, leaving a huge hole as a souvenir, a tomb as it was, from where
death was expected, but astonishingly, life could begin anew. Wombs are usually the birthing places,
not tombs. But when has God
written the story as we would predict?
That week we delivered Him the
worst of us and then He turned around and delivered us from ourselves. It is our hope. He is our hope. In the week where the worst of who we
are was publicly and violently demonstrated, He ends it by swallowing it as the
lethal poison it was, and offering us a cup of living water and an invitation
to walk out of the tomb. We can
leave our death behind.
He still offers us a new
beginning. Any moment can be your
door forward if you choose to step through it. He is right there, ready to help you and celebrate the
courage that it took for you to take Him up on it. It may look and feel like your death to give up all that is
familiar and step into the unknown of what He will do with you. But He states it is your life. And I’m banking on the fact of Who
speaks those words and Who has the power to back them up.
Come. Live. Take the joy that is yours to have.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Come and See
“Sir, we would like to see
Jesus.” John 12:21
Oh that my heart and mind and
spirit would be speaking that in every moment. He is continually at work all around me. Can I recognize Him in others? Can I see where He is moving? Can I hear the invitation to come and
join in the activity of freedom-bringing, and to lay down my burdens, to
believe His word, to do my part as He invites me to reconciliation of many
If we are listening we will,
like Jesus, at one moment truthfully say, “My time has not yet come,” and soon
afterward, get that nudge of the Spirit’s moving that has us too, doing our own
version of water jars being filled.
(see John 2:1-11)
If I desire Him, I will seek
If I seek Him I will meet Him.
If I meet Him, I can get to know
As I know Him, I can
increasingly hear Him.
If I follow that voice, I
will most certainly see Him.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
How Will Your Story Read?
“Integrity is one of those words
that many people keep in that desk drawer labeled ‘too hard.’ ” Vice Admiral James Bond Stockdale
Think about how you want to
live, what effort and legacy you want to be remembered for, what is important
enough to fight for and sacrifice for, what is worth giving yourself to. No matter what any of us has messed up
(and we certainly all do), there is a new day to start, and forgiveness to be
received when we turn and try to make things right as best we can.
I’d rather be worn out, beat up,
and scarred at the end, but to have lived as best I could accomplish, than to
have given half an effort.
Friday, March 20, 2015
We’ve gotten so used to the idea
that we often fail to be stunned by it, but consider for a moment that God chose to come to us, to walk on the
earth with us, to let us see glimpse after glimpse of what was going on in the
chest of His dad.
It is an astounding thing that
the weight of a man with the heart, spirit, and passion of heaven left an
impression in the soil of earth.
He was here, and He has left us with much to examine of what He said and
did. But He isn’t an artifact that
is only ancient; He lives still and continues to let us in on the story.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Good Things Formed
When busyness has consumed us
again—and it may be the mental schedule that is full even if the actual
schedule is not—we are wise to pause.
Remember that the bottom line is not us. Though we certainly have a part in what unfolds, and choices
to make, He is the one who reigns.
“Your kingdom is an everlasting
kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.” Psalm 145:13
Lay down the burden that is weighing
on you. But don’t just shed it in
some random place where it is so easy to hunt it back down to pick it up again if worry about it
stirs. When we lay it down, it is
by placing it into His hands, giving Him possession of our care. He may ask something of us in
responding to the need or concern, but the point is that we’ve acknowledged
that it is in His care and attention, that we see Him as having charge over
it. We become as one who is not
Director of it, but directed in it by the words of the Master Director.
See what good thing will be formed as you place the need into
His hands.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Waiting with Perseverance
Yesterday morning as I passed
the pond on my way to church, there stood on the ice that still covered over
half of the pond, a Canada Goose looking somewhat puzzled, it’s head turning
from side to side as if looking for an answer.
It seemed apparent that either
the ice needed to melt or the barrier needed to break. The goose needed to be in the
water. The ice stood in the way.
In the natural, the temperatures
will warm and by later today, it is likely that the surface of the whole pond
will be water again. In the
spiritual, it seems that things sometimes are locked down far longer than when
it seems that something should have shifted. “Lord, this has been a very long journey…”
This I know, looking back over
many times when things seemed stuck:
God is active. We are to
both wait for His timing and pray it forth. I have gained much by trying to listen for the Spirit’s
leading in how to pray. Often He
gives me prayers that I know I did not conceive, but it has been my privilege
to pray them, being aware that He had given oil for the rusty hinges so doors
could open.
My prayer for myself and for you
today is this: “God, let our
hearts and ears hear Your divine guidance to pray forward the circumstances in
our lives that we and you care deeply about. You are not absent or unmindful or inactive in regard to
them. Let our hearts swell with
confidence in Your best work. and in Your timing, and may we press on to not be
discouraged, but to keep listening for how to pray. Help us, Lord, to wait for breakthroughs and victory with
joy and perseverance, that none of what concerns us has been forgotten by You.”
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Meet Ken
I "met" Ken this week through some videos and writings and music of what has been birthed through his heart and life. There is a sweetness and openness that is beautiful and I couldn't think of anything better to share with you on this Sabbath morning.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Song of Solomon 2
It's about to happen. Many of you are going to witness
a miracle. It will be a big
one and everyone will be talking about it.
The land that has been covered
by layers of snow and frozen in cold is going to warm up and turn green and
sprout the most amazing blooms.
Color will burst forth and be draped everywhere. Barren trees will be dressed up in
garments that move beautifully in the breeze. The birds will arrive and sing the celebration songs and
nest within the safety of them like a child in the folds of her mother’s
skirts. Daylight hours will
lengthen so you can to be out there to watch it all unfurl and breathe it
deeply in.
Of course this happens every
year, and if you live in an area within the temperate climate latitudes you
experience it annually. Still,
this spring, don’t take for granted the amazing change you are about to witness
as life bursts from what had seemed dead for months.
Take some time to really appreciate
it. Let this rapid transformation
fill you with hope in the God of resurrection and restoration as you watch life
come forth from the tomb of winter’s white robes before your very eyes.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Freedom By Connection
The Brazilian worship leader was lying on the floor. “Respond to the Lord! Respond to the Lord!” she moaned. My first thought was to step it up a notch so she could calm
down, but I knew this moment was about more than the awkwardness of a different
style of worship. I knew little
about this woman, but enough to understand that God was probably speaking to us
through her open heart. And so my
prayer began.
“God, I feel like I came in
pretty good shape with You this weekend.
If there’s somewhere You want me to go, I don’t know how to get
there. Will You show me?”
Immediately a vision began. Jesus was on one side of the street; I
was on the other. He looked at me
and said, “Come to me.” As I began
to cross the street He held out His hands and said, “Come play with me.” And at that moment, standing in the
midst of a bunch of women at a weekend conference, my life changed
forever. The vision went
briefly. Jesus and I were running
to the outskirts of the small western town setting. We played in creeks, splashing in water, walking over
stones. We ended up in a meadow,
and the simple dance He did with a now four-year-old version of me, looking in
the eye with such delight that I have never forgotten it.
The vision ended. Christy continued into the song she was
singing on the platform. The women
around me stood there, having no idea that a life had just been transformed.
Although I had been a Christian
at that point for 26 years, I finally understood that the God of heaven so
deeply and simply just wants a relationship with us. I saw it in His eyes.
For all the foundations we sort out and stand on, for all the programs
we organize and try to implement, for all the good things we can do, for all
the practices we develop and try to maintain (all of which are part of what He
calls us into), let’s not miss the heart of the matter.
The God of the universe loves us
to levels we cannot imagine. He
thought up each of us. He created
us. He set us in a time and place
and put gifts in us that would take our simple lives to places of His wildest
dreams. We’ve gotten derailed, but
He sent His Son to do everything in Heaven’s power to make the way so we could
function and be free to love and follow Him, to live out the possibilities of
all He imagined. But we too easily
reduce it to rules and formats and forget that it cannot occur at all unless we
are in love with this Son of His and sense His love for us.
“Come play with me.” If your perspective is that time with Him is another pressure of your endless to-do list, maybe you too can just tell Him, “I don’t know how to get there; will You show me?” And then give Him a little listening time to see what He might have to say to you.
I love order. I have expectations. I can be a stick in the mud. I believe that He has ways of us doing
life that are for our good, and warns us about things that will harm us. I try to live well. AND, I know how easily I can shift the
good things He’s set to something more rigid and less life-filled than He
desired. The only hope I have is
to get to know Him, to be influenced moment by moment by the Spirit He’s sent
to live in me to keep me company and to guide me. To hang out with the amazing Trinity and see what they do
when they get their plan in motion and the life they are breaking forth in and
for and through us.
“Come play with me.” Young birds, the door of the cage is
open now. You are free to
fly. You are free
to come out and see what happens as you explore where He wants to lead
you. “Come play WITH me.” We don’t get the freedom when we grab
it and run. It is freedom when it is connected
to His glorious life.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Surrounded and Helped
For the unsettled things, the
difficult situations, the heartache, the wounds, the questions that seem to
have no answers in this moment, and all the “not yets,” we have a God who is
near, and who will guide. Follow
Him as best you know how. Keep
asking for wisdom. Walk
courageously where He calls you, and know that for all you don’t know how to
do, He holds this world and all the details of your life close, in tenderness
and strength, and will be faithful and sovereign over and through it as you
offer it to Him. We have so much
to learn in living out this call to love.
Don’t give up the quest to figure out how to flesh it out. It isn’t easy. Good things rarely are.
We desperately need help. We have a Helper.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
My Song
We have the inevitable
challenge of DNA that pulls us to selfishness, opinions that we thrust into the
soil as stakes, inclinations and preferences that tug us one way or
another. And, we have the
potential of mind and spirit and heart to do heroic things and give ourselves
to the well-being of others. Which
will be the prominent feature lived out today? What kind of song will come from my life? I get to choose.
Friday, March 6, 2015
The Reach
I am grateful for the biblical account of the hemorrhaging
woman who reached through the crowd to touch the edge of Jesus’ robe. This ungraspable God whom she
went for, even though the news hadn’t been good elsewhere, her money was spent,
and so was her body. But something
in her spirit wasn’t ready to give up.
Maybe it had waffled in hopelessness over the last twelve years, but something
flickered alive again as news came that He was nearing the town. She’d go take a look. And when she did, somewhere inside her that bit of
hope flamed up into courage and she’d pressed in. She’d reach for Him.
And oh, dear Lord, she’d touched God.
Whatever your limitations and need are today, He is the God
who comes near. Keep
Thursday, March 5, 2015
The Un-god-like for the Ungodly
How many of the garden variety
gods that you could pick up at your neighborhood establishments would tolerate
our most horrendous moments? The
god of “keeping up with the Jones’s” always asks that we step it up a notch,
look good, buy more in-style products, and wear them or drive them well. The
gods of perfectionism certainly don’t put up with nonsense. It’s not their way. They are harsh ones who tend to carry
whips and try to get them into our hands for self-flagellation. We can’t handle their verdicts or
the knowledge of our own guilt, so the gods of “comfortableness” usually win and
we trot off to ease our guilt with one of a plethora of self-satisfying potions
or people.
But really, we know when we are
crossing lines. We feel the
bristles of our own actions, or at least we used to if we haven’t practiced
denial for too long. It is so easy
to brush aside that nudge of conviction and begin to insulate and defend
The thing is that there is a moral code.
For all we’ve tried to embrace as another norm for life, the cry for
justice is only one tiny situation away if someone wrongs us. (And
that’s enough to prove the point.) We know when wrong has been done—if it’s the
other guy who has done it and we don’t have any difficulty shifting to
defending ourselves, our rights, our feelings. The list is long and we’ve been trained well to get to the
courtroom asap.
If we have done the deed however, we often can only see
through the lens of mercy, tolerance, and pressing the point that the other guy
give us a break. “My intentions
were good, for heaven’s sake!” We hide our guilt behind so many layers. “I’m only human,” we say, and expect
forgiveness we’ve not sought, before repentance we’ve not walked out, or the
efforts of repair we’ve not worked at.
So how surprised should we be
that a God who has always kept His word, not only allows us into His company,
not only invites us to run into His arms, the mess that we are, who not only is
more than willing to wipe our bloody hands and wrap us in His own fine garb,
would go far beyond anyone’s
expectations, and
He did all the blood and sweat
and tears that would have rightly been our responsibility to do. It was a scandalous, a very UN-godlike
thing to do.
I look at what this precious
Messiah has done on our behalf. I
envision the Father who gave His best to allow it. It is unconceivable that He would send His own Son to do our
dirty work, when we so comfortably spit in His face. I am appalled at how easy it is for me to brush Him off and
do what I prefer. Perhaps that is
why it would take an immaculate conception to convince us
It is more than clear that I would
not conceive of such a plan, but He could. And did. He not
only saw it in theory but actually lived out the idea to its violent and
effective end. It was such an ungodly thing to do that I am persuaded that it could
of only been thought up by a God who loves. It’s pretty unbelievable otherwise, which is apparently why
so many see it as such. But
it convinces me that He is the real deal.
The God of whom prophecy after prophecy was written and spoken. The God who would be so far from the
shape of our expectations that He is easy to miss, and harder to follow. The God who modeled such a lifestyle
that it takes all our yielding to get in the streams of water that give life
because our own pride is so damned thick, and we don’t want to admit that we
needed such extreme measures of help.
It took the life of GOD to save me? Really? I am
tempted to run back behind the fig leaves instead of acknowledging that much
But here we are, invited to step
ankle deep first, then to feel the consuming waters of our baptism, and dive in
and begin to swim. And all He asks of us is to receive the help He’s offering
and swim. It’s mind-blowing. We should give it a try.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
All In
She went and got the alabaster
jar. There wasn’t a tug-of-war
going on in her heart over this, but then, it seems that it was the mindset
that went along with the name.
Whether she was His mother, Martha’s sister, or the one from Magdala, if
your name was Mary, you seemed to be an
“all in” kind of woman. And
so when her spirit nudged her to go and fetch that jar, there wasn’t a moment’s
hesitation. It was to be
used, and it was to be used now.
The others wouldn’t understand,
and maybe she didn’t either really, but that was rarely a consideration for her
actions. Little did she know that
she was portraying a stunning parallel to the events that would be unfolding in
just a few short hours.
Something of great cost was
broken and poured out for its purpose and in its time. First the precious ointment that
smelled of the aroma of both beauty and burial, and then Jesus Himself, the
aroma of the most beautiful of earthly sacrifices that would ever fill the
nostrils of Heaven.
Be offered, be spent, be poured
out. It seems to be a mark of the
How we think, how we serve, how
we live will likely have this resemblance once we’ve been adopted in and are
moving in the same dance of the Spirit that wafted those days into being. Those holy winds seem to fill the sails
of obedience and trust as we raise them up to be moved for His work.
Go where He calls you. Hoist the sails of trust today. The cost will never outweigh the
benefit of what He will do, even if you are only asked to give Him a couple of
fish and a few loaves. He will
determine what He is asking of you, and He will give you the means to do it. All you have to do is decide if you are
an “all in” kind of person.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
I too often hope to add on the
robes of righteousness over my own comfortable clothing, which leads to being
bulky and over bundled in the extra layers. I was reminded this morning of the importance of the
continual stripping down of my own perspectives and priorities, trying to be
able to know His and to catch the subtle breezes of the Spirit moving against
skin that would shift my day one way or another as He moves.
The option is that I put Him in
the position to come as an earthquake or gale force wind before I will pay
Monday, March 2, 2015
Eyes Open
One of the
most important things we can do is observe closely and, without jumping to
conclusions too quickly, to watch the effects of what is going on. Is the situation bringing health and
wholeness as its ripples go out? We are supposed to be people who discern well and respond to our culture. When we
weigh in rightly, it will bring both justice and care into our community.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
One of Us
It might have been easier for
the Old Testament folks who believed in a God who was huge and over and
external and distant. He was “out
there” somewhere, enough removed to enable us to ignore Him most of the time if
we chose. Never mind that the gap was
caused by the first couple of humans stepping away with the fruit in the Garden
and then tucking themselves behind trees and sewn leaves. It seems that most of us have been
trying to hide ever since those few innocent walking-together days at the very
beginning of mankind’s story.
There were a few brave souls who persisted to chase Him down, but
Abraham and Joseph and Moses and David and Daniel were rarities, and even they
didn’t get it right all the time.
God had shown up as the years
went along in the non-human shape of pillars of fire or pillars of clouds and
sent His messages in rainbows, writing on the wall, and through His
prophets. He was clearly not like
us. And our response was to
tremble in our sandals, turn to Him and repent one moment, and build our golden
calves the next. The human dance
with God is as complex as it gets.
Then Jesus came. And we’ve been muddled by it ever
He draped Himself in flesh and
blood. He lived out the human potential every day of His life, except for those
last few when He was doing the God-part of His mission that we couldn’t
possibly do for ourselves.
He confused us further by His
love language and gestures that were sometimes the balm-and-healing kind when
things can be nurtures to wholeness, and other times were the surgical kind
when things need to be removed with a sharp scalpel to accomplish
It is not an easy thing to wrap
our heads around a God who looks like us.
Those who saw Him face-to-face were still not likely to recognize
Him. And it brought holiness a
little too close for comfort, because now, though most couldn’t recognize the
God who stood before them, the inclinations of our own hearts was crystal
clear. That is what happens when you brush up against God. And once we know the truth about
ourselves, the responsibility is ours to respond to. It’s a lot easier to keep God at a distance than to go
through all that confession and repentance and sanctification stuff. But then we are kind of back where we
started, aren’t we, …people who are in great need and looking for an answer.
Jesus took things one step
further by leaving earth so we could have the Spirit actually move right into
our beings. Now everywhere we go
and everything we do, we are taking Him with us as a guest to the events. It’s a sobering thought.
His love is stunning, His grace
astounding. He is still hanging
Himself out there for us to consider.
But He is as willing as ever to let us decide what to do with Him. He’s apparently still as open to
our hurled stones and crucifixions as He is to our love. Only a God-Man could see our frailties
and still give us so much room.
Only a patient God would let us have that kind of time. Only a God who wanted to share love
would create beings with free will instead of making them into tiny
slaves. Some think He is
stern and unjust and far too inactive, but only a relational God would take the
risk of denial and curses and such damage as is done on earth, for the chance
of someone’s affection returned.
That He ever gave us the opportunity at all is crazy wild. That He is still giving us the chance
to respond, in light of the messes we make, is unbelievable. It will take a tiny mustard seed of
faith to get us on our way to receive the gift.
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