Wednesday, March 4, 2015

All In

She went and got the alabaster jar.  There wasn’t a tug-of-war going on in her heart over this, but then, it seems that it was the mindset that went along with the name.  Whether she was His mother, Martha’s sister, or the one from Magdala, if your name was Mary, you seemed to be an  “all in” kind of woman.  And so when her spirit nudged her to go and fetch that jar, there wasn’t a moment’s hesitation.   It was to be used, and it was to be used now. 

The others wouldn’t understand, and maybe she didn’t either really, but that was rarely a consideration for her actions.  Little did she know that she was portraying a stunning parallel to the events that would be unfolding in just a few short hours. 

Something of great cost was broken and poured out for its purpose and in its time.  First the precious ointment that smelled of the aroma of both beauty and burial, and then Jesus Himself, the aroma of the most beautiful of earthly sacrifices that would ever fill the nostrils of Heaven. 

Be offered, be spent, be poured out.  It seems to be a mark of the Kingdom. 

How we think, how we serve, how we live will likely have this resemblance once we’ve been adopted in and are moving in the same dance of the Spirit that wafted those days into being.  Those holy winds seem to fill the sails of obedience and trust as we raise them up to be moved for His work. 

Go where He calls you.  Hoist the sails of trust today.  The cost will never outweigh the benefit of what He will do, even if you are only asked to give Him a couple of fish and a few loaves.  He will determine what He is asking of you, and He will give you the means to do it.  All you have to do is decide if you are an “all in” kind of person. 

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