Thursday, May 14, 2015

Be Ready

I am to be an “all-in” person.  I am called to love and grace, mercy and justice.  Scripture instructs me to boldness and quietness, strength and tenderness, compassion and truth, joy and bringing broken hearts to a Father who cares.  I am to persevere and rest.  I am to have patience and to persist. 
You see the challenge.  All are good if the right thing at the right time.

This triune Father, Son, and Spirit are infinitely wise.  As I draw close, as I seek, as their guidance is at work in my life, the ability to walk in step with what they are doing becomes a reality.  I certainly won’t always get it right, but neither can I simply reason my way to knowing what to do when.

I must lean close.  I must let scripture soak me and learn its truth and ways.   I must keep one eye up as I go through my days to watch for His signal.  I can be attentive to the shift of the Spirit’s movement and respond to His often-subtle rhythm as well as His bold directives. 

It is an amazing invitation to be asked into the heart and work of a God who loves His creation and is endlessly pouring Himself into the cracks of our lives.  He applies balm and He prunes.  His fire will bring holiness.  He will water us with grace.  We can be participants in all of it if we dare to go where He will call us.

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