Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Take Joy

I receive these things periodically, but don’t normally post them.  Today I sensed this was for a broader group:

This is a day of grace.  If you have been struggling with something for a while and have felt unsure of how to walk forward or have been weighed down by the heaviness of what you’ve had to carry, today set your eyes upward.  Look beyond the dark, seemingly immovable thing, focusing not on the burden and its size, but on the God who is far bigger and more powerful than what you face and His size. 

Let joy and peace come in where other things have drained life from you.  Soak in His promises.  Be refreshed and rejuvenated as you are reminded of His goodness, His power, His intent to walk with you.  Speak aloud who you know Him to be.  Share it with someone you see today.  Read the Psalms aloud if that is helpful.  And give thanks that THIS God is with you and will never leave.  Joy is to be yours today.

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