Sunday, November 1, 2015

In His Hands

When God thought of creation and spoke it into being, He didn’t form it into cubicles that would stack tightly together to fit in endless rows on some kind of cosmic shelf.   The planets are orbs, and moving.  He formed an earth that was round, the perfect shape to fit in His hands. 

He has us firmly and tenderly in His care.  For whatever challenges you are facing, whatever struggles are present, He sees, He hears, He is strong and able to lead you through.  That is His promise.  Our part is to draw close, to quiet ourselves and discover who He is in all His goodness, His holiness, His playfulness.  Our part is to trust, to obey, to participate in the work He is doing to bring healing to sickness, hope to heartache, and freedom where we have been bound.

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