Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wise Exchanges

This thing about time and satisfaction…what happened at the fall where we have lost our perspective of a long-term goal and now continually wrestle with satisfaction for the moment we are in?  How many times have we traded in better things for having a desire met in the now, even when we knew it wasn’t really going to be good for the long run?

Whether you battle the desire for more possessions, chocolate, food, sex, alcohol, drugs, or some other emotional charge, it seems that life for most of us is a battle for choosing what will actually be for our good.  Few of us suffer from a desire of too much God, though it is rather astonishing what we have access to if we did.  We chase such silly poor substitutes for what would actually bring us life and peace and adventure and security and blessing. 

Odd, when what we mostly want is life and peace and adventure and security and blessing.  

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