Wednesday, January 6, 2016

You Can't Win If...

It borders on unbelievable when you win the lottery!  It’s true what they say, “You can’t win if you don’t play.”  The amount is huge and there is plenty to share.  You might want to strongly consider playing too.

I finally decided I wanted in if there was a chance it could be had.  There would be big dividends after all, and I was intrigued enough to decide that if I could have the treasure it would be worth the cost of time and energy and focus to go after it. 

If there was wisdom to be gained and used, purpose to be led continually into, forgiveness to be received and given, provision to be had and shared, power to defeat the one whose goal is to steal, kill, and destroy humanity (including targets on those I love most) why in the world wouldn’t I want to get smack in the middle of it, and participate in the work of plans for others to discover it and experience it too.

And so I started a life experiment when I was eighteen years old to see who this God is and what He is about.  It began with baby steps of an introduction and glimpse at a group of people who had met Him.  At first the relationship blush was wrapped and pretty, and love kept me going.  But there were messy things that surfaced and I had to learn how to hear in the noise.   I got tired over time and needed to ask Him to stir a thirst for the Word when I was finding it dry and dusty. He helped me; what I wasn’t able to do for myself again, He did.

I had bad habits that needed to be sifted out (they weren’t helping me live life well) and I asked Him to show me what needed to go or come in instead.  I had warped thinking about who He is that He has spent years lavishing love to help me see the real God.  I needed to know how He saw things, how He saw me.  He has loved me thoroughly, addressed those areas tenderly, and joyfully taken those broken and weak and limiting things and given me healing and strength and freedom instead.  And I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface.  There is so much to find.  He has reminded me in a frequent rhythm that back in August of 1974 I truly became a new creation and can live in that truth.  I am still discovering what it means.  It makes a huge difference to believe that I am who God says I am—dearly loved and part of His family with all the benefits of having a loving and wise king for a dad. 

I have had some financial challenges and plenty of mistakes, yet He provides for me.  As I’ve trusted His word and put my money on His Malachi promises, He has gone before me and given over and over and over what I have needed.  There have also been many unexpected gifts along the way that have revealed that He knows my heart and enjoys delight. 

I wanted to know Him better, to have insight, and wonder in relating to a very real God, and glimpses of His brilliance.  Of course I needed to turn my attention and time His way, but He has drawn my eye and mind and heart to beautiful truths and given me days chock full of ways to share them.

I discovered that humiliation and humility are not the same thing.  He won’t scold or shame me, but invites me into His endless treasure if I want it.  It requires something of me to discover the infinite layers of Him. 

Seriously, I am utterly stunned throughout most days to recognize what I have been given—the care and attention of the One who owns everything, whose previous ideas have led to a sky full of galaxies, glistening black stallions thundering over the plains, rain forests shimmering with life, and human hearts that can contain a God willing to live there.  He has snapped out a picnic blanket of possibilities and handed out a miracle feast of bread and fish and never even raised an eyebrow when many fed only on what would satisfy their tummies and ignored what would feed their souls forever.  He keeps pouring it out and invites us to help distribute the meal. 

Honestly, what meager thing that I could do alone would come anywhere close to this?

And now He is challenging me to just try to bankrupt Him.  He laughs at the thought and is asking how much of His goodness I can give away…in truth, in love, in hope, in encouragement, in patience, in gratitude, in stuff.  His generosity is endless and He is looking for those who would like to help give it out.   There is so much in His storehouses!

Lottery winnings typically have a bottom line amount and a heavy tax portion.  Check out the stories of many winners who ended up broke.  But this God never runs out.  Pretty amazing.  The only thing that will limit it is my lack of fire and courage to keep pursuing His depths and the resources He allows us to steward.  There are vast resources of many kinds to take hold of and to share.  It is far better than any check that could come to you.  The treasury of God even comes with its own financial advisor, its own shepherd guide, its own Spirit leading to show you exactly where and on whom to deposit it.  He has come.  It’s Christmas every day.  It is GREAT news.

I drafted most of this yesterday morning, not sure I would post it.  Then John came home last night and told me some folks at his workplace were getting some group tickets for the lottery drawing tonight.  I guess the powerball jackpot is up to $450 million.  So maybe this is a timely post after all.   In whatever you do to win in life, don’t forget the greatest treasure of all. 

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