Friday, June 5, 2015

Don't Sell It

I am not going to waste today. 

I will not be persuaded to take a second-level path to escape by letting fear run me.  I will not be tugged by the lie that God isn’t powerful enough or truly active on my behalf.  I will not try to buffer the way myself if it means deciding that He may not come through to be who He says He is.  Nor will I devise a route of my own design out of being convinced that I am some exception to the call of love, trust, and obedience.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t struggle through the process sometimes or have fear trying to nibble on my heels.  I feel him trying to get to me.

But I have a choice.

So instead of letting fear rob me of the good that He is working and bringing,

I will believe Him.
I will walk with as much integrity as I know how to instead of sacrificing it to the idol god of comfort-on-demand.
I will trust Him to be walking by my side and helping me forward.
I will not expect life to be perfect, but I will believe He is using all things for the good toward His bigger plan as I trust and follow Him and that He will guide me with wisdom and truth, and redeem broken things as I seek and listen and do what He asks.

I will walk life out by not sacrificing the gift of this day in unbelief.  It is too valuable for that.  Today is woven with opportunities to grow in knowledge of Christ’s work and life, to live in the freedom that He bought for us, to watch it unfold as I dare to not stop to catch myself, but to trust that He is present and to watch for His amazing answers arriving over the horizon. 

Belief grows strength in us.  Joy in His promises sinks roots deep.  Hoping forward develops the branches of life as they reach sunward and bring glorious and delicious fruit. 

I can squander my day with disbelief and fear and timidity.  Or I can say “Not on Your life!  I will remind myself of Your goodness and Your promises and wait for the best to unfold.” 

I won’t see the best stuff if I don’t let myself lean in to what He says is true and good.

Trust is the oil of your day.  Don't sell it.

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