Monday, June 22, 2015

He Brings Life Through You

We are continually in the process of birthing and rearing.  There are basics…nourishing ourselves in His presence, in the Word, and in both attentiveness to His instructions for life and in running to Him to offer confession and receive abundant grace for all the times we need to cast off sin and turn our direction.  We need the fresh air of His Spirit’s movement.  We need His living water.  Those patterns of life will get our body in good order for what the Father desires to bring forth.

Each moment we choose to trust Him, each time we exercise faith and remember what is most true, every second we lean in to believe instead of to worry, we are going through the “contractions” of life, getting us closer to anything He is bringing forth through us.  We don’t usually have the waters break and the baby get birthed without the diligence of the process.

We “birth” each time we get to an opportunity and say yes.  We birth when we obey when He leads us forward.  We nurse the infant and feed a growing toddler and encourage a struggling teen when we keep doing the work He brings our way.  There are many children of all kinds that need food each day and each one of them has amazing potential and great gifts with which to do good.  But be assured, there is always enough food.  It is the intent of the Father that all the children have what they need, and our work to give them tastes and tell them about the feast they are daily invited to.

He will give you the basic bread and fish for each day.  As we take what He hands us, give thanks for it, and offer it up to be multiplied, we will eventually find that we have fed thousands on the hillside of our lives.  It is the stuff of miracles.  It is the option for every single day.  It is how we join in bringing heaven to earth.  

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