Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Loving the Yes!

I was reading this passage this morning:  “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.”   (Romans 8:9)

The word that caught my attention was “lives.”  To live is to breathe, to influence, to move, to have room to be.  And I wonder how much more the Spirit could/would live in me if I widened the area for His space in my life.  I wonder what all that could look like.  And it is clear that I can give Him all the room I choose. 

That’s the thing about free will…we get to make the choice.  We get to decided to a pretty good degree how we will spend and invest this thing that is our life.

A danger for the Christian is in settling in to just thinking of ourselves as believers and easing into a routine of church attendance but not to keep activating our faith to give Him Lordship moment by moment.  If we discover His joy in us and His massive heart for the world, if we catch a glimpse of His desire for great plans of good to pour from heaven to earth, our “yes” to Him becomes the oxygen of our day. 

He is good.  And His love endures forever.  Why wouldn’t I choose to see how vast it is by offering my ears, my heart, my time, my abilities, my possessions, and all my “yeses” to Him?  

p.s.  As I was ready to post this, I realized that this little guy's posture looks like the "Y" of a yes.  Gotta love it!

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