Friday, June 3, 2016

A Psalm

Soak me, Jesus, in Your presence today.  I am feeling dry, spent, over-extended from these busy past few months and there doesn’t seem to be enough time or clarity or “me” to accomplish everything that needs and wants attention.  I feel like I am in a gigantic game of “catch up.”

I know You have a plan and a pace and a goal, and that mine easily meanders from Your ways or becomes far to short-sighted.

I have seen over and over again that a willing heart to trust You as I go is the most essential part..  Pausing to remember and to sink roots deeper into You today will not be a waste..  As I look back I can see that You have always come through, landed me where I didn’t even realize I was heading, opened doors and ways that I never saw coming.  

This day isn’t running on the whims of time, it is securely in Your steady and creative hands.  I can feel a bit of refreshment seeping into me as I consider again who You are and how very capable and amazing You continue to be.  You don’t end.  Ever. I can exhale the stress and breathe in your grace.  

Photo from by kakisky

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