Monday, June 13, 2016

Morning Coffee and Evening Quilts

We are given specific hope as we begin and end our days.  A beautiful passage in Lamentations 3 tells us truth about the moments we start each one:  “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  It is to our advantage to breathe in that promise as we brew the morning coffee and remember what happens in the heat of our day as we allow situations to be steeped in His words.

When we are wrapping it up on the other end, the very word “evening” gives a hint about God’s heart.  As we thank Him in end-of-the-day prayers for those mercies we experienced, for His guidance, provision, goodness, and help, we become aware that the battles we faced did not take us down.  An enemy who had plotted to steal, kill, and destroy, has not had his way if we offered ourselves to God’s care, listened as we went, boldly trusted and followed the call.  In spite of mistakes we have made and wrongs we or others have done, forgiveness is available again to all of us.  His mercies were with us, His grace pouring out to weary bodies, broken hearts, limping spirits.  

As the day closes and the coolness of night begins and we are tucked under starry covers, we can be aware that He has indeed done an “even-ing” work, intervened on our behalf, worked what was intended for harm to be used for good.  Joseph spoke the words of the Heavenly Father he had gotten to know so intimately, when he told his brothers “So then, don’t be afraid.  I will provide for you and your children.”  (Genesis 50:21)  That “so” of the difference God’s presence and power has made is immense.  The days brim with His promises working, even if we haven’t yet seen the fruition of the plan.  He doesn’t fail.  Count on it.  The ways He is good outnumbers the stars, and those who dare to go for life in faith will not be disappointed in the ending.  

Photograph from morguefile by 5demayo

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