God is the most brilliant thinker, the most stunning creative, the most precise and compassionate physician, the extravagant lover, the wisest sage, the most daring restorer, the lavish provider of all things good and most important, an inexhaustible power who is aware of the tiniest details of what has impacted us and of all the possibilities of who we truly are. He doesn’t lose sight of any one of us, while still envisioning the grand scope of all His plans, and more amazingly, weaves it all together.
First He sent His Son to bleed the pure blood that would cleanse us forever, and topped off that breathtaking move by sending the Holy Spirit to fill us up and pour from us as we believe. We are not alone. We’ve never been alone.
Technology is a wonderful tool, but it is empty of heart on its own. Human beings, on the other hand, have the capacity to overflow with the power and compassion and care of God, filled up with Him, then moving around on the planet in tune with His voice, and transmitting the message out one by one in the personally specific way that each one needs to hear it as He arranges opportunities for us to be His vessels to carry it forward. While we are at it, we ourselves continue to be transformed by His presence, shaped, spurred on, amazed by what He will orchestrate in His perfect design and creativity.
To get the privilege in this life to be tucked into His abundant heart, to have His company in all that we do, to walk and work and play in all the purpose and freedom He offers us is our daily reality. I too often get swamped with the pressures that weigh in, struggling to get more elbow room around me, thinking too narrowly about the things that hurt or inconvenience or annoy me, and forgetting the grand thing I get to be a part of. But He calls to us. He invites us back in without any hesitation, smiles and nudges us to come close again, to remember, to live.
Photograph by morguefile.com by JasonGillman
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