Sunday, December 25, 2016

Barriers Broken

He came in flesh to live with us, this God of restoration and will do the most unlikely things to woo us back and to reveal His vast and strong love. 

This morning as I was thinking about this amazing series of events unfolding, it occurred to me for the first time that at the very moment when He was born a tiny picture of His greater coming work was happening in miniature.  Mary, being a virgin, would have had her hymen still intact until that moment of Jesus’s birth.  It was a thin veil of skin broken and a symbol of the intimacy that had now begun for us all by His work.  This incarnation was a whole new way of God coming to meet us, to live with us, to have the barrier between us removed.  That tiny piece of flesh in Mary was torn, some blood spilling out at this arrival of a new king and a new kingdom.  This young woman who had trusted His greater plan, experienced the first breaking barrier as He entered the world. 

And so it can be for each of us as we align our wills to yield to His, that more and more barriers are broken because His death for us tore the big barrier forever.  Through this freedom He won for us, we are now enabled to win the little victories that we are here to bring to earth.

Photograph from by diannehope  

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