Saturday, December 31, 2016

Looking Back, Looking Forward

My friend and co-worker Jill posted this on her facebook page the other day:  “Summarize your 2016 in three words…”

My reply was: "God showed up."

I am pondering the events of a year that is wrapping up that had many peaks and valleys.  It held deaths and weddings, chaos and peace, need and provision, endings and new beginnings.  I have seen miracles happen in it.  I am not expecting anything different than that to keep unfolding in 2017. 

I ordered a little book that arrived this week.  This morning in it I came across this sentence:

“Miracles can only be exhibited in brokenness.”  That short statement fits what I have been considering in the last several months—His power to heal and restore, His endless invitation for us to come close, to know Him, to believe in His goodness, to witness and participate in His provision coming to earth.

As we enter 2017, be confident in the care and power of a God who is going to be there, doing His work, waiting for those who will believe Him and live in a way that will open the doors for miracles.  The ones we read about in the scripture occurred because a human being was in a circumstance of difficulty of one kind or another, heard His word, believed His intent was good, and followed His call.  I am counting on seeing God do more magnificent things in the year ahead. 

I wish you all a happy new year, and one where you believe Him and are filled with wonder at how He meets you in it.

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