Tuesday, May 26, 2015


It isn’t that difficult to recognize a believer in Christ.  Their movements won’t be in 100% alignment to His, but they continually lean in to discover and know Him, to draw close to hear His voice and instruction, to get their bodies going His direction for His will to get from heaven to earth. 

They take risks in trying to follow because they think He meant what He said and they try to live it out.  They are aware that what He envisions will always be beyond their understanding, and following Him will stretch them to be more in His likeness, so they expect to be challenged if they are doing the things of heaven.  They practice the principles of the Kingdom.  They truly believe that He is active, that He is interested in people truly being free and whole, and they want to be part of that process. 

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, AND believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” 

It goes beyond what we say we believe. Believers hoist the sail of their life to be moved by Him.

What will we put on the line, expecting His promises to be true, His word to be good, His power to be present, His will to be done as we dare to really follow?

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