Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Two Parts: The Vessel and The Filling

Perhaps each morning God views His people like the vessels that Elisha told the widow to gather.  He will fill up anyone who shows up to be filled with what He wants to provide for the real life needs of the day ahead, for the people who need a word of hope and encouragement, for some kind of practical provision, for the situations that can be responded to with outbursts or with wisdom, for our own provision and well-being.

He has much for us.  Be available and attentive.  Get what He wants to give you.  We can go into our day prepared by getting filled before we set out.  Then we will have something of greater worth to give.

Jesus has gathered us.  We start by being quiet and obedient, like the widow, behind the closed doors where no one sees; that’s where He does the filling.  We are the vessels in our communities for our time.  We are filled with oil, the anointing of His Spirit for the dryness that is so rampant.  He will not be stingy in the provision.

Don’t be discouraged if we are coming to Him totally empty.  That just means there is more room to be filled with Him, a better position than if we are so full of ourselves that there is little room for the things with what He would want to equip us.  So many times we miss the treasures of the better things we could be available to give.

Will the vessel of “you” be useful to His dreams today?
“We carry this precious message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.”  A stunning opportunity.

Photograph from morguefile.com by Melodi2

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