Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Result Is Good

Bread, a basic of life, and taken in by most of the world daily.  The process of making it requires time.  It is getting out ingredients and bowls.  It is measuring, mixing, kneading, covering, warming, waiting, punching out hot air, shaping, then warming and waiting some more.  It is baking, and cooling, then eating, and often, sharing.  

We are similar.  We are in a process that also takes time.  And God is wise about what is going on and how He is working to teach us and transform us and draw us into His love.  We are in His strong and tender floured hands.  I am not so afraid anymore of the times I feel Him press in on me.  If we allow Him room to do what He says it is time for, the outcome will be more tender, the result more able to carry His flavor and nourishment to another hungry soul as we testify to His goodness.  We can speak, because we have experienced His goodness, even though it hasn’t all been easy.  Tough and overworked dough isn’t so appealing.   The times of kneading and waiting and heat are important parts of the process, but as with the process of making pots, the pressing and the fire are essential, but short.   

Good things happen in His kitchen. 

Photograph from morguefile.com by kymme

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