Tuesday, November 29, 2016

It's the Person

My reading this morning in “My Utmost For His Highest,” held this statement:  “The type of Christian experience in the New Testament is that of personal passionate devotion to the Person of Jesus Christ.” 


It is so easy to slide into devotion to a group of people, to a cause, to a theory or a theology.  It is easy to hold tight to sets of expectations and rules and to become stiff and, in the process, create our own little kingdoms instead of expanding His.  It is another thing entirely to be devoted to the person of Jesus, to live in rhythm with Him, to live in response to Him, to live in relationship with Him where He continues to amaze and surprise us with what He asks, what He gives, who He is. 


This is the season of Advent, the waiting and expecting time, anticipating His coming.  He still comes.  He has more to bring.  He is not done.  This month as we draw near to Christmas, also draw near to Him freshly.  He has refreshment and renewal for us all.


Photograph from morguefile.com by imelenchon

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