Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Reason for Hope

Hope is not logical.  Hope anyway.  

Nothing in the unfolding of God coming to earth is logical.  The Son of God planted into the womb of a virgin by the Holy Spirit…The Creator tucked small into a tiny human body—a baby, for heaven’s sake…The ultimate visionary growing up as part of a family…The Holy One gathering a company of friends who weren’t the cream of the crop…God serving man…The perfect One dying…The dead one rising again to bust through the boundaries our sin had caused.  His life offered to save ours, His resurrection announcing eternal (and for every single day of our gritty lives) Hope, His reign continuing still and expanding wherever love and forgiveness and grace are expressed. 

Religion packages things neatly.  God is continually surprising those who are willing to follow Him around the unexpected turn in the road.  They are drawn to believe for this moment because their hearts burn with some awareness that He is real, He is good, and He is for us. 

In these days, faith is still looked upon as foolishness by many.  It will always be the diamond in the rough, the unexpected response to a world that is not fair.  Faith will never be the most popular thing on the planet, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t the most trustworthy path. 

Photograph from by doctor_bob

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