Monday, December 28, 2015

Hold On

So what’s the point if I celebrate the coming of the Christ, then pack up Christmas and tuck Him away with all the decorations, securely in the closet for another year. 

Christmas was supposed to remind me that something is to be different in all my dealings because of His coming.  Christmas is supposed to remind me that miracles are normal when He is here,  Christmas is supposed to fill me with hope that I am not alone, not without Shepherd direction nor Wise Man insight.  Christmas isn’t just the end-of-the-year “I made it!” doorway that just segues me toward a New Year and starting my self-inflicted rat race again.  Christmas wasn’t meant to be one day of celebration, but the reminder that every day now holds me in His presence.  The small undemanding baby I was willing to embrace has grown up and wants me to live in His victory over sin and death.

Don’t pack Him up with the Christmas ornaments.  Let Him be the gift of promise we wear every day, the gift we drink from for either energy or calm, the one thing we’d like all the world to know we were given.  He was a gift that wasn’t meant to be exchanged, put in a drawer, or given to the local thrift store because we were too embarrassed to let anyone know we had received God for Christmas.   

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