Saturday, December 12, 2015

On My Way

 All of us begin the day with worship.  Don’t we all wake up—our minds being immediately set on something…a person, a need, a plan, a circumstance…whatever is forefront…important? We give our attention and thoughts to whatever has moved into that position of power.  And thus begins our day.  We shift to circle around it, to bow to its influence, to let it point its finger to the way it demands we should go. 

Many of us have never identified what runs us, what sets its subtle but consuming agenda.  And maybe we will wake up months or years later wondering how we could possibly have missed so much, never having gotten around to what we said was important, how we had wanted to live.

Please don’t be afraid to pause for there is a way back home, its promise and invitation in each dawn.  The way there isn’t a long one, but starts in the quiet of the heart and a turning to it.

It takes courage to admit our distractions and shortcomings and failures and idols.  But refreshment and strength will come to the man or woman or child who will go there.

We are in a season when many will be heading home to spend holidays with loved ones.  No matter if you have friends and relatives accessible or not, your excessively good and gracious Father is only one moment away.  He is near.  He has already come to love you, to teach you, to guide you into all He imagined you to be, all He designed for you.  The difference between Him and all the others is that He always has your best interest beating in His massive heart.  Every persistent and patient effort is one to enjoy your company.

This morning, take a chance and turn His way and let Him begin, or continue, to speak His healing and restoration to you.  He will bring wisdom and direction and provision.  It’s who He is, and it is the gift He gives to those who desire Him.

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