Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Who Could Imagine?

It’s the best miracle ever.  We were given Jesus for Christmas.  He is a gift that will not tarnish or break, whose batteries will never wear out, whose end we will never finish discovering as we plumb His depths and gaze at the wonder of who He is and what He is doing in His universe.  We begin by accepting the gift, untying its red ribbon, and lifting the lid of the gift that will fill our desire and fulfill our destiny.  There are more layers there than you could ever imagine.

He is healing, provision, protection.  He is the missing piece you have been hungering for your whole life, the one that brings peace, for that is who He IS.  He is astonishingly good.  Dare to pray a prayer that if any of it is true, your eyes will begin to see, your heart will begin to feel it, your spirit will have the courage to dip its toe into the stream and see where the river is going.  Once you get your first mouthful of these waters you will never regret doing whatever it takes to swim there for the rest of your days.  Pay the price to turn from the tinsel and find the gold.

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