Saturday, January 9, 2016

"I'm So Glad You're Here"

Martha welcomed Jesus into her home.  Mary sat at His feet.  Each part is crucial, but after we invite Him in, do we stop to listen to what He has to say or quickly go on to our next "household" task?  He has something to tell us, to share with us, secrets and dreams to spill out, perspective to give, and joy to unpin.

If our prayer time is scant or all our own voice talking, if our knowledge of Him is formed between our ears and neatly filed but doesn’t reach our heart, if we see others having a vibrant life with God that we don’t quite understand and aren’t sure we even want, we can ask Him to help us.  He is really good at stirring coals when the flames have faltered into lumps that don’t offer light or heat.  But we also need to position ourselves to receive what we’ve asked for. 

If you’d like to be hungrier for God, ask Him to begin to reveal the wonder and greatness of who He is and how He works, then watch and listen and read His story…the one in the book and the one being written in lives currently walking the planet.  God is on the move.  We can let Him make His home inside our lives, so that we will be a walking piece of evidence with a bouquet of our own stories of how He has lived with and led, and where every daisy will have an odd-number of petals.  He most definitely loves us.

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