Thursday, March 10, 2016


In the beginning, God spoke, and creation began.  He sent His Word to show us what He looks like.  He has given us scriptures, His in-spired (breathed into) writing, filled with promises He has made. 

This morning I awakened feeling agitated.  As I asked Him for help and assurance of His care and power for this day in these matters, two chapters of the Bible came to mind, two different books but the same chapter number in each.  The theme of both of them was the same.  “I am the Savior, there is NO other.”  Then the chapters listed in detail the very things that were weighing on my mind and emphasized that HE is the one who brings the solutions to those very things.  That they both SAID those things was powerful.  That He, in a moment, had LED me to those exact passages was one tiny piece of evidence of His ability and interest and care. 

We have a God who has spoken, who is speaking, and who will continue to speak and move.  Don’t doubt that He has and can and will.  If He seems silent to you at the moment, remember that the promises in His word have not lost any power.  They are for you and as pure and strong as when they were first delivered.  Gather up some and carry them with you.  They are yours.  They are your food for today and hold your future secure.

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