Thursday, July 2, 2015

Growing and Giving

A fruit tree has no trouble bearing fruit.  If it is rooted well and if its branches aren’t inhibited from reaching upward, in due season, it will bear fruit.  It is amazingly simple really.  Stand in the light, drink up the water available, and surely, the fruit will come forth, each tree producing its kind.

Fruit trees aren’t frantically running around worrying about bearing fruit or giving a certain amount of it.  They just, apparently, are content to do the thing they were made to do.  Under the care of a master gardener, who will watch over and tend to, and occasionally prune it, the harvest can be vast, the taste juicy and delicious. 

When the branches become heavy laden, only then do they start to be weighed down, but are now ready to give the fruit away, making it accessible to those who cannot reach so high. 

Perhaps if you are heavy laden it is time to give something away, to offer some small part of what you’ve been given.  It is in the giving that you will have achieved your own purpose.  We don’t become who we were meant to be by accumulating all the things that build some kind of kingdom of our own.  We become by what we make available to others from the gift we’ve been given.  Just give it away.  You don’t have to measure it out or hold any back.  A tree does not need its own fruit for nourishment.  It draws its life from outside of itself and can give all it produces away.

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