Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Where Will I Go?

Notes in my journal from Sunday’s message by Ken Morgan:  “When does God ever ask us to do anything logical?  There is a fine line between faith and stupidity and that line is Jesus.” 

We won’t live a life of daring faith if we talk ourselves out of responding to the unexpected (and usually uncomfortable) requests to step forward.  We can always find a reason to say no.  He’s looking for the one who will dare to say yes. 

The term “crosswalk” may need to take on a new meaning.  Instead of it being the marked safe place to get around without injury, it might be better thought of as the place where miracles will happen if we will walk with the same abandonment and unbounded obedience that He was willing to walk, the places that change lives when we will do the costly thing.  We pay a small price to find the treasure He has waiting.

The only way I can live a life of faith is to start taking the first steps of following Him.  My spirit, if it desires to be willing, will begin to recognize the nudges.  Coax yourself to respond.  We can do it.  Sure, it’s a battle, but free will is the ability within us to say yes. 

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