Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Off the Shelf

We will be wise to check often to see if we’ve relegated God to a side shelf of our life, a position of being close, but now dusty, forgetting that He is still alive and desiring to breathe into the moments of our day. 

We may have rewritten Him to satisfy our inclinations instead of being on our knees regularly, face to the ground, and remembering this holy God who bled for us to have freedom and joy.  The perspective is better if we visit the ground frequently. 

We may have gotten busy and are consumed with current pressures, tugged this way and that, awash with worries and fears.  If there has been a marathon going on in your head that has pounded you to the pavement with the beat of the drum of concerns, pause until you hear His song again.  There is freedom to be found as you listen for the music and begin to hear the lyrics He is singing over you.  He will tell you who He is and speak His love and healing for you.  His song never stops. 

We forget so quickly that He is here…with US.  Remind us today, sweet and strong Emmanuel, who came to intersect our broken lives and bring us to the water, to the green pastures, to the work of believing in every step and thought of our day.

Let this day count as one where we are awake. 

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