Saturday, January 3, 2015

Patience in the Moonlight

I wonder what would happen in my life if I more often responded to the gentle nudges of His call instead of turning to distractions and running to hiding places.

I wonder what would happen if I turned this year to the subtle things He brings to my attention instead of making the excuses of the urgency of my to-do list, because I fear what He will ask is too difficult.

I wonder what would happen if I didn't snap into "fix it" mode, in whatever recipe that happens to be in my life with my fears, and let Him have more room to resolve an issue His way as I followed Him on that path.

I wonder what freedom could be found, what peace could be mine, what gifts there would be to share if I entered the waves with Him when He rolled them gently my way, trying to get my attention to something He wants to say, something He wants to heal, something wonderful He'd love for me to discover about a greater depth of who He is.

I think He is asking me to sit with Him in the moonlight, waiting for His pace and the turning of the seasons more patiently.  The sunlight can be dazzling, but it can sometimes also be a scorching place when He has also provided me a cool of the night and the glimpse of the stars and wants me to rest quietly with Him there, seeing in new ways the galaxies of His heart of which I've barely scratched the surface.

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