Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Oiled Hinges

I was stopped in my tracks this morning when I remembered again what God has done for us.  In spite of all our mistakes and intentional wrong-doings, He is right there, ready to welcome us home in a moment.  He never forces us, we must choose to be there, but once we turn, there are absolutely no barriers between us.  Our pride is a thick door, but one that swings open easily if we will but choose Him more than we want our reputation and our image. Those aren’t worth much when they are only driving our noses into the dirt The enemy tells us the door is locked, chained, and impossible.  But God has oiled the hinges.

.Ever since that glorious day in Eden that took such a devastating turn, our battle has been in trying to be like God.  The ironic thing is that He’d already made us in His image.  We’ve had all along the opportunity for what we’ve been made for and instead have chased a bunch of twisted versions of the truth.  All of us have been guilty.  All of us have wanted self-preservation.  And He stands there, ready still, not to scold, but to lift us from our knees, embrace us, and set us on our feet. 

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.  His mercies never come to an end. 

When His children come home, there isn’t a balance sheet of dues that have to be paid (though often there are repairs He allows us to help make).  He’s already paid EVERYTHING for us to be there. 

If you are struggling today, wanting peace, feeling like getting it is jumping a huge chasm that is likely to crash you to the ground, don’t believe that lie.

He is but one step away and so wanting for all the good He has waiting for you.  

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