Friday, June 26, 2015

Carrying Treasure

Each morning, get up and sit in the quiet for a bit, and look again around the empty tomb, remembering that your fight is never for victory, but FROM it, and receiving the power of that message newly. 

Then walk out the door and into your day with that perspective, having reminded yourself that the folded linens of re-ordering the world began long ago and is not done, having breathed the air of that truth and keeping in mind that there are ears longing to hear that hope.   Now be ready to watch for the situations, people, and divine moments in your sphere that He is ready to refresh, heal, and restore in the opportunities of THIS day. 

We are the fortunate bearers of a treasure.  We can give it away all day long and never run out of the supply He is waiting to have shared with hungry hearts and thirsty spirits.       

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