Friday, February 12, 2016

Getting a Sense of Direction

Sometimes we are at a place where the two questions to ask are the same that were voiced on the day of Pentecost: “What does this mean?”  And, “What shall we do?”  Then we listen for His answer.  His will not be an accusing or despairing voice, though sometimes He will ask us to do courageous things.

Follow Him as He directs you and do whatever noble thing He asks of you.  This is how life will come, how you will be set on firm ground and strengthened and healed.  This is the path for discovering His presence and goodness.  This is the way of knowing Him.

Following will happen for those who want Him most.  But He is a pearl of great price.  We don’t get the best of what He offers (read that list of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 again) while we are still chasing everything else.  What is it you really want?  He made the best available for you.  

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