Friday, July 3, 2015

An Ordinary Day

I waited for an inspiration this morning and none came.  There was no moment when a light bulb clicked on and a particularly intriguing thought surfaced to mull over and savor.  This is an ordinary day.

It is one in which the sun rose, beautifully as it often does over the field near my house.  I am listening to the sounds of dozens of birds all singing their morning songs and one persistent red-headed woodpecker tapping at the metal on the edge of the barn.  Birds are dancing about, soaring and dipping, resting now and then on tree limb or fence rail before they lift off again.  The greens in the trees are lush on this early July day.  There is a breeze moving around me, awakening my bare feet to the coolness.  I have my cup of coffee next to me, a daily brew that helps oil my morning into gear.  My children are still asleep, and husband too on this extra day off for him, and I am content that they are all snuggled safe in their beds, cozy and warm.  Nothing unique is happening this morning, and yet all of these normal things around me are miracles.  Oh dear God, I never want to take for granted the gift of this life, the gifts of your provision, the evidence of your goodness in every pulse of the day and your faithfulness through each hardship, for we have some of those too.  I breathe in this cool air this morning as well as the refreshing warmth of your Spirit, amazed again by the utter miracle of every normal day.  

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