Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Let's Do It

I count it a good day if I can walk through the circumstances of it believing that God is big enough to reach, to intervene, to heal, to guide, to redeem, and to bring great joy into them. 
It is a great day if I expect Him to actually show up. 

It is far better if I am willing to take risks to speak, to pray for or with, to obey whatever He is asking of me or nudging me to, and when I get to see His power arrive and transform a heart, a situation, a relationship, a life. 

I can pray prayers asking Him to do His work.

But I will likely see that power far more often when I am ready to do my part of opening the door for it when the opportunity comes, to be a part of the work He is hungry to pour out through His people. 

God is far more daring than I am.  He is infinitely good.  My imagination will rarely take me to God-sized dreams and plans, but if I will really believe He is ready to do the incredible, and will dare to walk into His-sized missions,  the “impossible” will happen right before my eyes. 

I have had many tastes of this.  I have seen the unlikely happen.  I have heard myself speak words that I knew I wasn’t smart enough to have designed, when I have been willing to open my mouth at His prompting.   It has ruined me, for I am no longer content to live a life of anything else.  It doesn’t take great programs and complex agendas or lots of money.  It is available every day as we go through our regular days, listening and following, and opening door after door so heaven can kiss someone on earth. 

The doors are before us all day long.  The enemy has convinced us far too often that they are securely stuck.  We forget that Jesus has been given the keys of the kingdom and is letting us be stewards of them for our generation. 

It involves taking a risk of believing.

In Matthew 16:19 Jesus says to Peter (because he BELIEVED that He was the CHRIST, the Son of the LIVING God), “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 

We also are invited to swing open the gates so that what is in the storehouses of heaven can be delivered to earth.

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