Thursday, July 16, 2015

I'm Outta Here

Ironically, the things we tend to gravitate to for immediate satisfaction, instant gratification, and what we think will bring a sense of peace and contentment often actually lead to long-term frustration, a bigger pile that we need to be freed from, and an increase in chaos. 

In a deeper place, we know that we were made for something more than this.  We believe there is something more out there to be gained, don’t we?  If we didn’t, we’d stop looking and trying.  But we too often shoot ourselves in the foot instead of learning that good things are gained a step at a time.  Quality is worth the wait.  We DO have the ability to get to a better place.  But it might cost us the quicker fix. 

Start to pay attention to what moves you to go for that detrimental thing.  Usually fears are running the show so successfully that we forget we don’t have to listen to them.  There is truth to be gained.  There is good to have and to extend to others. 

You have something unique to offer the world.  Don’t give it up for a lesser story.

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