Sunday, January 11, 2015

Choose Well

Why do we instinctively try to adjust the universe to the expectation that it should deliver happiness to us when the walls of frustration we inevitably bump into are actually doors to a different understanding? The reality is that life here is often difficult.  It hurts sometimes.  It doesn’t behave.  It certainly doesn’t seem to have our preferences as top priority.  And here we are in the thick of it with a God who has entered it too, to walk with us, cry with us, move along with us as we journey and teach us as we go.  We are offered guidance in our confusion, hope in our desperation, and truth in our lands of delusion. 

The world is also a gorgeous orb, a floating zoo, an alive and ever-changing art gallery.  It is an orbiting nature reserve, and a Petri dish we reside in where we get to decide if love is something we’d like to experiment with.  But love doesn’t have much room when fear is filling so much space.  And the only antibiotic to the infection of fear is Love, which casts it out and heals us.  Kindness is the thing of comfort.  Love is the stronger wiser brother who works for our good.  We are destined to wrestle out our tug of war between love and fear and decide which one we truly believe is more powerful.

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