Sunday, January 4, 2015

Night's Invitation

We need the night.  We need its quiet and its stillness.  We need the lush thickness of dark that gives us a pause from our hectic pace.  We need the break from the clamor that pushes its way on us in the busyness of every day so that our minds can notice the whispering things that are tugging at our hearts where our truer selves reside.  When the noise dies down we can discover the messages that are streaming ever so slightly under the surface and almost inevitably running the show, determining how we live out our daylight hours.  Something drives us, and for many of us our fears are holding the reins. 

At night we unwrap ourselves from the drapings of the day and settle in to less restrictive garb.  We can also unhook the deceptive “have-to” leashes and the worry that threatens to totally entangle us. 

It is so easy to live in a hide and seek existence where we tuck away all the things we’d rather not face.  But if we will resist filling the night with the same day-buzz distractions and let the quiet have its way, we can find a wonderful intimacy of our most tender and small and honest selves meeting the One who can remind us of a bigger truth, who has already spread all the stars as guiding lights, promising to love and help us along our way.  We can whisper our fears to Him and snuggle in the safest place while He helps us sort them out.  We can receive the assurance that we are not alone, that Someone good truly cares, and even though He will not keep us from the challenges of life that stretch us and drive us crazy sometimes, He will be endlessly present with us every day, and there also waiting to welcome us back home at night, even if we’ve had a prodigal day.

The night offers us more than to collapse onto our beds in exhaustion only to rise coffee-charged to do the rat race all over again.  The night invites us to be, to know and be known, to find that we are loved and be released into the reality that we too can love.    

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