Friday, January 9, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

Random act of kindness--definition: an unexpected, undeserved, generous gesture that one might experience due to the thought and action of a stranger.  

Some have been the recipient of these lately through the Starbuck’s drive thru or another commercial location.  We’ve actually been receiving these daily throughout our lives.  Sometimes more recognizable by the nicknames Coincidence and Luck, her birth certificate actually reads Grace, and she’s a beauty.

She’ll probably be sent your way today in a surprising provision, in the call of a friend at just the right moment with just the right words, in the strength to get through a tough day, or through the gorgeous scene of a pristine snow covered landscape, the song of a bird, the pulse of ocean waves, or a star-filled sky twinkling its stunning message in a heavenly Morse code.  However it arrives, it’s got your name on it.

God loves to send this daughter to us with messages sometimes so subtle we may overlook them.  We may be tempted to only think it could be Him if it is packaged in loaves and fishes printed wrapping.  Those come more rarely and are like His long love letters.  Grace is His heart’s note written specifically for you for the moment you need it, pressed like post-its all over your day.  You may have an abundance of them if you are in the midst of difficult circumstances and easily miss them.  But be watchful, my friend, for they are there waiting for you to find.

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