Monday, January 26, 2015

We Need You

 Though we were made to be strong, beautiful, and complete, it seems our current condition has revealed a flip side of the coin that the Fall produced.  Man was made of the ground and filled with God’s breath (soft things).  Woman was made from the rib of the man (a firm thing).  Was that told to us in Genesis so we would be assured that He sees those parts of our humanity and gender as good?  But Man, with his built-in capacity for tenderness, seems compelled to prove his strength, and Woman, with her built-in inner strength, is always trying to catch her breath.

Some of the most twisted things on the planet can be men’s misused power and women’s misused voices, but the world desperately needs the blessing of men’s good strength (oh how we need your courage, gentlemen) and women’s good voices (you have so much that needs to be heard.)  

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