Monday, January 5, 2015

Walking in Faith

We desperately need to lean in to faith so as to experience what He will do in the material of our lives.  So much about Him is in the unseen or in the so familiar world of the natural that we easily take its rhythm for granted.  But when we pray, when we trust, we get to sink our teeth into the meat of our beliefs. 

We get to watch Heaven enter earth. (I wonder if our words of supplication actually allow something to come into being in some kind of similarity as His did when He spoke the specific name of a celestial star and it actually was there, a magnificent blazing orb in the velvet sky He was ready to fill with them?  He has not made us to do what He did?)  When we trust with active hearts, we get to hear something in the atmosphere change as voices shift from weariness to strength.  We get to taste the simple manna or lavish feast that has come forth when the ingredients of our confession of faith and the muscle of faith in motion are combined and produce something that even though we asked, amazes and humbles us.  This is our God.  The One who longs for our confidence and trust. 

I notice that the ground is not spewing out the screeches of seeds that are always and inevitably dying in their process of birthing the new life they hold.  I wonder why we resist and run from the possibilities that our own lives and circumstances offer.

It will be good for us to remember that beginning the day on our knees, being willing to be planted into the soil of life that is called Today, will bring a bit more goodness to earth.  Being on yielded knees is a holy act indeed, and one He will never take lightly.  It is earth’s gateway to all He promised.  Jesus has finished the work.  He is waiting for believers to tap into its delivery to the planet by actually living what we profess to believe.  

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